1ghz vs Rebirth for android games and N64(perfect dark,007)


Active Member
Feb 19, 2011
Hi guys, I'll be getting my new Pandora soon and was wondering how much of a speed difference will there be when it comes to android games and N64 games like Perfect dark and 007.

Oh and my rebirth clocks to 1ghz..
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The speedier GPU/memory can make some android games more playable.. It makes GTA III semi-playable vs a shuttering mess on the rebirth even clocked at the same CPU speed. I don't have Perfect Dark, but I've got 007 very playable on the latest mupen64 release on the repo on my 1Ghz, although I haven't tried it on my rebirth in a long while it's much better than it used to be.
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Hi guys, I'll be getting my new Pandora soon and was wondering how much of a speed difference will there be when it comes to android games and N64 games like Perfect dark and 007.

Oh and my rebirth clocks to 1ghz..
If you have the money might as well get a 1ghz to help out the pre-order lis ;)
Well looks like my 1g Pandy is at the post office right now, I guess I'll see the speed results for myself soon :)

Thanks for the replies
I thought I bricked my rebirth when I replaced a nub, but then I fixed it so now I have 2 :)

Still I know that Pandora's are running out so I wanted an extra. 
Hi guys, I'll be getting my new Pandora soon and was wondering how much of a speed difference will there be when it comes to android games and N64 games like Perfect dark and 007.

Oh and my rebirth clocks to 1ghz..
007 may have troubles with the emulator n64 emulator. I hope that they fixed it. Mostly joy binding arent working well. 