166mhz GP32 FLU + Tons of extras for sale

I have to buy (replace) some computer hardware that I need pretty urgently, and I'm a bit short on the money, so I'm selling nonessential electronics. Unfortunately, my GP32 has a high enough value to be considered in that category, so it's here.
Heck if I had 250 bucks I'd buy that. But currently I am stuck at ~80 :(. Stupid money shortage, must get gp32....
Actually, it's no longer 250, I changed it to 150 starting; that's enough to get a sort of decent motherboard if it doesn't go much higher, so I'll just see how it goes from there
well actually ou might not get 250, ebay is stupid :P. I mean you have a black gp32, with like 5 games, going for 133, and a normal gp32 with a 128 smc, going for 10 bucks more...
Oh, come on, you're falling into that 'RARE BLAKC GP32 !!11!1!11@~!!T#@G' hype? Take a look at the picture, it's /obviously/ just been dyed
Oh, nevermind, it looks like that one may actually be legit, I just got sick of seeing the same thing over and over again; the current price on it is quite a good deal for all the extras
who cares if its real or not, black is awesome? But that's not important, its the 5 games it went with hehe!
Is there anything in the auction that's scaring people off? I mean, come on, only one bid at usd$150? That's barely over the cost of a normal GP32, let alone a FLU, and one that is guaranteed to overclock enough to give the OCing programs their full potential at that, and that's not counting all of the extras it has... That's a serious question, too, not just a thread bump, is there something I'm doing wrong?
I was wondering that 2 :S. Wish there was a deal like this for when i got my FLU. Id pay around $200 probly for all that gear. Iv bought the aluminium smc holder after i saw urs. its sweet :P
Why would it matter that I'm in the US? I accept paypal or can wait until int'l money orders arrive via mail, so that isn't a problem, and I do ship to anywhere in the world (at the exact cost), I thought the auction said that
Where did you find your 3.3v xD-SMC Converter?
I've never heard of that!
It's amazing!!!
So why people complain about smc that are only 128 MO?!
But what is xD? Secure Digital? Any pics less dark than yours?
Is this a Black FLU GP32..??

Only the pic on the link (with all the accessories) is of a white one..
VERY interested if it's a black one..!!
No, it's a white FLU; if you have any specific picture requests, I can take them