16 Days Gp32 Coding Competition

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Still Fresh
May 9, 2004
Sometimes I don’t get why some people bother making games that are worth playing or not worth playing 1 time. :huh:

It is nice to sharpen up on programming skills but the designs for the games need much more to be appealing. I guess practice makes perfect. ;)

Also the next time their is a 15 or 16 day compo it should have special rules since some people bring in games that they have been working on for months which beat out others that have been working on the game for 15 day. It’s like having a race and some people start before the start of the race; just a suggestion. <_<
Well, I don't agree with you one jot. But even if I did, I think it would be hard to point towards any one of the games from that competition that isn't worth coming back to if you like that game. This competition has had the best entires of any thus far, imo, in a broad sense.

Sure, there are some games in it that I won't come back to, simply because I personally am more addicted to other entries - but that is simply a show of how good those other entries were/are.

I can see your point, btw, re some kind of balancing system, but tbh it would be detrimental. The purpose of the 15-day/16-day competitions, if you look back to when they were first proposed, is to get developers to pull out some projects that are half finished and get them to a remotely releasable state and into the wild in some sense. It isn't to get people to code something new in 15 days, but to touch up something that's potentially promising already. You probably wern't around before they arrived, but prior to that a lot of coders had many many unfinished projects lying around that there just wasn't any incentive to do anything with. Its that base that the 15 day competition's ethos was appealing to.

Well, unless I'm forgetting somthing at least. But I'm fairly sure that's the long and the short of it.
Edit: Tobriand said it much better than me. I'm tired.... Just read his post again instead :D.

I'd really suggest a mod locks this topic....

Oh, btw warsong, people just won't like you if you start critisizing the gp32 coding scene. Especially an excellent selection of games (this has been one of the best comps in the past year or so imo).

When you can code and can see the effort it takes to make anything at all, then you'll understand how offensive your post is.

Coders put time into making games that people play more than "1 time".

So yeah, die etc.
I've just got through playing all of the games (except Snake & GPMax - won't fit on my SMC yet!) entries for 16 Days and I have to say every single one warrants enjoyable play-time. And the ones which are a bit rough around the edges have amazing potential.

Who are you to say any of them are not worthwhile? At least give some constructive criticism for the makers to work on -- saying "don't bother" is hardly enlightening.

btw, I will be posting my thoughts on each entry as soon as I have tested the remaining ones (a new SMC is in the mail so I'm waiting until that arrives).
I hoping these kinds of people will get bored of GP32 and move to DS and PSP when they come out. (which isnt long now). So I guess we just have to put up with it for now :unsure:

Once the community starts to shrink a bit, then things will defintely be much better.
You should learn to know the coding/homebrew scene, before you, a person that is new to the gp32 scene (-> 4 posts), are talking about something, you don`t know about.

I`m really starting to dislike you.
Well, you do have a fitting name warsong, as the few posts i have read from you sort of calls to war. :P

a fast way to redeem your self would be to make your own program that is just as good as you talked about or this post is pointless, apoligize to the people you stomped on the toes (coders and fans) .....(thats almost everyone in this comunity)..... and take a lower profile and start to think of how others might feel about a subject before you post.....

I´m glad for everything that comes out cuse if everyone that codes had waited until absolutly "perfect" with relising thir stuff, we would not have hade anything on the GP32...

If you compare to comersial games, consider that those games were mosty developed over years with a team of people, this competition entrys are mostly made by one person. and I´m yet to see a person with all the gifts (perfect skills in coding,graphics,story and so on.....)

soo.... take a deep breath and rethink what you said....
For one time, an actual developer (yes, warsong is a developer, have a look at gbax2004), criticizes the design of games or the rules of a compo (he's right with that, it's a bit unfair, even though lacuna was made in 16 days and made 1st place), any you flame him to death and tell him to learn about the homebrew scene, lol. Some people are leaning too far out of the window, really.
Sometimes I don’t get why some people bother making games that are worth playing or not worth playing 1 time. :huh:

It is nice to sharpen up on programming skills but the designs for the games need much more to be appealing. I guess practice makes perfect. ;)

Also the next time their is a 15 or 16 day compo it should have special rules since some people bring in games that they have been working on for months which beat out others that have been working on the game for 15 day. It’s like having a race and some people start before the start of the race; just a suggestion. <_<
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I agree with Don, his post is not entirely unreasonable and his criticism of the rules not a new complaint by any means but still valid. Regardless, this is basically a flame magnet so I am locking it.
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