128MB RAM £22,20 in P+P good value?

that's not too bad a deal... the cheapest I found it the other day was 23 quid all in.. I have seen it cheaper but that's usually on special one off deals. Even checking on pricerunner there was nothing cheaper..

so go for it!!
We got 2 media shops in germany Saturn and Media Markt they are both kicking their asses at the minimum price and when youre at media markt and theres a cheaper price of sth they have you have to proof it and then you got it for the same price ;)
I got a 128mb smc for £18.89 here including postage and packing. Thats the best deal I've found (better than ebuyer n e way!)
i bought mine for £18. Pretty cheap but the downside is you have to wait 10 buisness days until it gets delivered. 10 buisness days is a long time, just over 2 weeks.... anyway i'm rambling. I got mine from mx2.com or you could just check Kelkoo.
Yeah i got it from the same place. 99p postage and packin and it took around 5 days