$100 Bounty For Hybrid Html Viewer!


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2010
the idea is to make a webkit/gecko for the caanoo(but needs to be multiplatform. this program like a web browser, will render a HTML page but it will be interactive. the HTML would be its own scripting language eg.:


<title>small demo idea!<title>



<audio id=300>

<animation id="200" frames="1,2,3" timing="?"/>

<condition="if key(right)=true">
<animation id=200 play=true x=+1/>
<audio id="300" play=true/>


the idea would be xml simple style syntax geared towards animations and 2d graphics!
so if you want to, let me know and you'll need a PayPal account!
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That reminds me of cold fusion. Wouldnt it be better to have normal html and script it with javascript and dom?

Anyway, are you requesting specifically webkit or gecko, or just any renderer?
u9i said:
That reminds me of cold fusion. Wouldnt it be better to have normal html and script it with javascript and dom?

Anyway, are you requesting specifically webkit or gecko, or just any renderer?

Maybe javascript and dom would be better but I am not looking for flexibility, I am looking for ease of use. As for the renderer the fastest most stable renderer one can port/make(they would have to reprogram them for the new tags).

the idea is far non-programmers to pick it up and develop their own(while limited) apps.
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If you want this proyect to be made, you must to define in detail the programming language. For example, the tag condition is taking a condition in javascript-like language. You have Fenix/Bennu or GLBasic to make this things, they are easy languages.

Your HTML example in GLBasic:

      // img tags
      SetTransparency RGB(255,255,255)
      LoadSprite "foobar1.jpg", 1
      LoadSprite "foobar2.jpg", 2
      LoadSprite "foobar3.jpg", 3
      // draw the images loaded
      DrawSprite 1, 0, 0
      DrawSprite 2, 32, 0
      DrawSprite 3, 64, 0
      // audio tag, not necesary
      // animation tag
      // you have an image with the 3 frames
      LoadAnim "foobar123.jpg", 200, 32, 32
      // this shows the drawings
      // this loop waits for keys
      While false
         // condition tag
         If Key(205) then
            // audio tag, using true to play as loop
            PlayMusic "pbj.mp3", true
            // move the animation in x axis
            For x=0 To 320
              DrawAnim 200, x, 0
              // update the screen paintings
         // end of the condition block
      // end of the while loop
      // waits a key and ends
Hardyx said:
If you want this proyect to be made, you must to define in detail the programming language. For example, the tag condition is taking a condition in javascript-like language. You have Fenix/Bennu or GLBasic to make this things, they are easy languages.

Your HTML example in GLBasic:

      // img tags
      SetTransparency RGB(255,255,255)
      LoadSprite "foobar1.jpg", 1
      LoadSprite "foobar2.jpg", 2
      LoadSprite "foobar3.jpg", 3
      // draw the images loaded
      DrawSprite 1, 0, 0
      DrawSprite 2, 32, 0
      DrawSprite 3, 64, 0
      // audio tag, not necesary
      // animation tag
      // you have an image with the 3 frames
      LoadAnim "foobar123.jpg", 200, 32, 32
      // this shows the drawings
      // this loop waits for keys
      While false
         // condition tag
         If Key(205) then
            // audio tag, using true to play as loop
            PlayMusic "pbj.mp3", true
            // move the animation in x axis
            For x=0 To 320
              DrawAnim 200, x, 0
              // update the screen paintings
         // end of the condition block
      // end of the while loop
      // waits a key and ends
yeah i know glbasic but i want something more high level, more geared towards beginners to game dev and not to programming. i was working on a glbasic game but the dev has yet to add caanoo support and i am tired of waiting.
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something like this already seem to exist it's based on sdl and uses xml files. It's called fuzzeninge, just came by it while googling a bit

edit: it's in C Sharp so can't really port it i guess :(
just finished mwriting up some ideas for it!
My website!
<display id="displaylow" height="480" width="640" colordepth="32" />  
<display id="displaymed" height="600" width="800" colordepth="32" />  
<display id="displayhigh" height="800" width="1280" colordepth="32" />  
<title id="title1" text="my app one"/>  
<title id="title2" text="my first app"/>  
<title id="title3" text="alpha app"/>  
<body activity="displaylow,title1">  
<load id="mainfiles" type="media" method="selective">  
//loadtype means how the file loads, now/ondemand. if no load type is selected the type is now  
<audio src="foo6.snd" id="foo6" />  
<audio src="foo7.snd" id="foo7" />  
<animation frames="foo1,foo2,foo3" id="foo123anim" timing="300" />  
//timing is the amount of time between each frame in millisecond    
<load id="mainvariables" type="variables">  
//loading variables like this will produce global variables accesible from any div  
<var id="scroll" value="0" />  
<div id="infolayer" type="application layer>  
//divs are like seperate threads, the program runs inside a div  
<draw type="rect" id="health" coords="x1=0,y1=0,x2=100,y2=10">  
<div id="backgroundlayer" type="application layer>  
//type="application layer" means that this div runs concurrent with any other div    
<img id=""foo4 height="480" width="640" x="0" y="0" key="255.255.255">  
<if scroll= 1 then foo4.x +=1>  
<if scrool= 2 then foo4.x -=1>  
<div id="middlegroundlayer" type="application layer>  
<animation id="foo123" x="100" y="100>  
<if key(up)=1 then foo123.y += 5>  
<if key(up)=1 then foo123.y -= 5>  
<if key(right)=1>  
    <if then foo123.x += 1>  
    <if then audio.foo6.play= true>  
    <if then scroll= 1>  
    <if else audio.foo6.play= flase>  
    <if else scroll = 0>  
<if key(left)=1>  
    <if then foo123.x -= 1>  
    <if then audio.foo7.play= true>  
    <if then scroll= 2>  
    <if else audio.foo7.play= false>  
    <if else scroll = 0>  
<div id="foregroundlayer" type="application layer>  
<img id="foo5 height="480" width="640" x="0" y="0" key="255.255.255">  
<if scroll= 1 then foo5.x +=1>  
<if scrool= 2 then foo5.x -=1>  
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I'm not certain if anyone is willing to spend time on this, it's also not really a project specific to caanoo / wiz or any other console it could be used on any system which makes intresting. But i do not think people are willing to create a parser for all of this and let it work all together. It also won't produce spectacular games since it's rather limited by design and given there are a few other languages that are not that difficult (fenix / benuugd / NLove engine) to learn it's also a risky project since at the moment there would only be one person using it namely you :). Why not try to learn some fenix instead of reinventing the wheel ?

unless someone already made something similar on another platform that can be easily ported, i doubt it will happen
joyrider said:
I'm not certain if anyone is willing to spend time on this, it's also not really a project specific to caanoo / wiz or any other console it could be used on any system which makes intresting. But i do not think people are willing to create a parser for all of this and let it work all together. It also won't produce spectacular games since it's rather limited by design and given there are a few other languages that are not that difficult (fenix / benuugd / NLove engine) to learn it's also a risky project since at the moment there would only be one person using it namely you :) . Why not try to learn some fenix instead of reinventing the wheel ?

unless someone already made something similar on another platform that can be easily ported, i doubt it will happen

all my dreams...i have tried all three and didn't like it, i have tried glbasic but the dev hasn't added caanoo support and c++ is beyond me. i have had this idea for sometime now, does $200 not sound good to anyone? any one know any other forum with good programmers?
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monstercameron said:
all my dreams...i have tried all three and didn't like it, i have tried glbasic but the dev hasn't added caanoo support and c++ is beyond me. i have had this idea for sometime now, does $200 not sound good to anyone? any one know any other forum with good programmers?

this has nothing to do with good or bad programmers. sorry, it's the idea that is not really satisfying. in the end, you WILL want something like the languages mentioned above.
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I don't think anyone could do this "in a couple of hours." So although 200USD is a lot of money for one person, it is not much compared to the time required to put into it.

But i for one sure could use an html renderer on the caanoo.

Are you really sure you want this? It doesn't look that much more simple to use than e.g. Bennu(although I haven't used that much).

Anyway, I think it could be doable if you keep to xml. Things like

<if scroll= 1 then foo5.x +=1>  
<if scrool= 2 then foo5.x -=1>

would require preparsing that could end up dirty. Something like that would be easier to internally convert into xml:

<if "scroll=1">
  <inc "foo5.x, 1"/>

<if "scroll=-1">
  <dec "foo5.x, 1"/>

EDIT: or that:

<if scroll=1>
  <inc foo5.x, 1>

<if scroll=-1>
  <dec foo5.x, 1>

,...you see how close that would be to a normal language again?


Still, it wouldn't end up much simpler than lua combined with a basic game programming lib. If I would have to do this I would most likely use lua internally anyway.
maybe someone could just do a simple ruby/python/whatever script that converts from the magic xml syntax to bennu and compiles it?
monstercameron said:
crow_riot said:
maybe someone could just do a simple ruby/python/whatever script that converts from the magic xml syntax to bennu and compiles it?
sounds good!

Still, you should specify you language structured to get someone working on this. What's the exact syntax, what tags are allowed, what datastructures are there(animation, rect...).
You're offering a paid job here, so whoever does it needs to be secure what you want. Not that he finishes work but misinterpreted your examplecode or you say "but I wanted this and that feature in as well".

Don't get me wrong I don't want to offend you and your idea. I even think it could be a nice job to do, but I won't do it unless I really know _what_ to do.
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