
  1. Todespreis

    Software Software development Basics

    Hey there! I'm new to pandora and while i'm still waiting for the pyra to arrive, i'm trying to learn something about programs. I tried to code on Pandora with Python, but it does'nt work at all. I searched the privios threads to get some help, but it did'nt work out. Can anyone explain me, what...
  2. FBnil

    [SOFTWARE] Portable-Ansible on Pandora (instructions)

    We have Python on the Pandora, that means that we can run Ansible on top of it. You can grab the PND from the repo: 2019-10-10 Version: : First upload to the Repo. 2019-11-17 Version: Upgraded Ansible from 2.8.5 to 2.9.0...
  3. FBnil

    Software bloat musings: Software Disenchantment I stumbled upon a nice article; that starts off a bit dry but then goes to many places and that leave you thinking. Sprinkled with some humor it's a good read (especially the links here and there)
  4. fantomid

    Software repo password reset

    Decided to update the OpenBOR pnd to follow the information contained in this chronocrash post, I tried to connect on the repo. But I forgot my password and maybe the email account attached :oops: I tried to reset it, but it seems that it's doesn't work anymore, does it ?
  5. O

    Pyra debian with systemd?

    I was wondering whether the official Debian distro will come with systemd or sysvinit as Pandora did? Quite a few of my Configuration files assume systemd, so It'll be a pain in the neck to find and rewrite such configs... Thanks!
  6. A

    What will a Pyra be able to do that the OpenPandora can't do now?

    Hello folks, I've found out about the OpenPandora a few days ago and started to follow the DragonBox Pyra, and I might be interested in buying it. I looked at the Pyras specs and I didn't find many new possibilities that might be possible with the Pyra, only things that could be improved...