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  1. E

    I Want To Play Final Fantasy

    Hey I was wondering, is there any final fantasy games playable on the GP2X? every one that I have played seems terribly slow... So if you guys have gotten them working can you tell me please? :D Oh and other square/enix/square-enix games that are known to work can be mentioned too.. I am dying...
  2. E

    How Would You Explain The Gp2x?

    Hey, I was wondering.. How would you go about explaining the GP2X to someone who knew virtually nothing about computers or games... I tried really hard once.. But I found it was near impossible. So if you ever explained it to a non technical person... How the hell'd you do it in a way they'd...
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    My Gp2x Cap Broke!

    Help! I can barely play my games.. The cab completely came off of the stick and the stick seems chipped. I think one of my friends did this without telling me.. What should I do???
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    Race, Changing Controls?

    Any one know how to change the controls for RACE? I can't quite figure it out. I have to use a and b. I can't seem to use x and b or a like I want to...
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    Every Neo Geo Game Is Bad Rom Or Romrc??

    Can someone help me figure out why every neogeo game I play (4 versions of *** chaos.. Don't know if we're allowed to post names. Plus 1 other game) never works. It really sucks cuz I just get the Bad ROM or ROMRC error. Any one have any ideas? I even tried the one at the gp2x torrent site..
  6. E

    One More Gnuboy Question!

    Okay, I am very confused how to save games. Like do I have to make a save state in order to save the game or am I able to save the game inside the game and it will write to the ROM file somewhere or something like that... I hate having to make save states all the time because it's confusing to...
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    Gnuboy, Can It Link 2 Games?

    is there a way to fake a link? So I can have one ROM running and another ROM running and make them link up.. If I have to do this on the computer with a different emu, that's fine, but I want to be able to transfer the data back and forth. I want to be able to link up the zelda oracle games :)...
  8. E

    I Am Worried

    Well I just bought a GP2X, but I am starting to think, was that a bad idea? I mean with the XGP coming out sooner or later, will all the devs and everybody move over to the XGP? I am kinda weary of it due to the fact that I don't think they even have an english site... So yeah, is everybody...