Falls du in Deutschland lebst (worauf die Notrufnummern hindeuten) habe ich eine schlechte Nachricht für dich.
Das Anrufen des Notrufs ohne Sim geht schon seit etlichen Jahren nicht mehr, da zu viele Leute das ausgenutzt haben um gebrauchte Telefone zu testen oder schlicht und ergreifend nicht...
(Write german with english words)
She Fawn Is Lie Want!
My nay she sure dorn way!
Woe dean?
By dar fair sane.
Loss me shown.
Host us far cared own.
Dish null an cairn ouse an.
Soda, yeats game us own.
For ma mid’n say say lift oven idea o’ten he gale.
It row minute! Gey hair do, ace is Nick...
Its needed in every application where the PC is controlling something.
Like for example a CNC-mill
Its critical to prevent the PC to take its meditation-seconds because this would lead to short stops of the mill which leads to visible marks or broken tools.
There are manny other aplications...
Wasn't there the information that the Pyra-Arm has some microcontroller build in?
Is it possible to emulate them too?
(To program a low power wake up manager or similar.)
I have a little question about the USB-Sata adapter.
Is there a break out or something to get the 5V from Pyra-USB or a Powerbank to be able to drive a SSD, 2.5" HDD,... without additional power supply?
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