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    Is It Possible To Port Half-life?

    I'm optomistic to a fault so why not, if your volentering to do it good on you. I'm tired of people saying things are not possible because there is no source available. Valve spent about 3 years adding very advanced technology to the quake engine - skeleton animation, advanced team AI, scripted...
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    Windows 95 Running On The Gp2x

    your thinking of "win32s" the 32 bit extensions for win 3.11 -- I remember it let you run some stuff designed for win95 but I doubt people supported it for very long after 95 came out. Bochs running on the gp2x is amazing I will try freedos when I get a chance.
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    ravuya is right this is just a patch to install Dune for the amiga onto harddisk -- sorry guys bit disapointing :~( "Find Gurney and take an orni..." when I get a chance ill look into it porting it more carefuly but I dont think I have the cd rom anymore. The engine wasnt very complitated but...
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    Give us a link and I'll take a look -- Dune would be awsome
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    GP2X Multimedia Application On Gp2x

    It would be nice to have an version of Xdialog a linux tool for creating all kinds of dialog boxes from the command shell... It would be esp. nice if it had a file chooser and a skinable interface. This could all be done with SDL
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    Little Big Adventure/relentless (twin_e Or Lbawin)

    yer me too WHEN IS SOME ONE GOING TO PORT LBA!!! ....oh yer I was supposed to be doing it :) sorry I've been busy -- I'll get on with it as soon as I have time.
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    GP2X Benchmarking

    Has anyone started or is anyone intrested in starting writing benchmarks to work out what the gp2x hardware is really capable of and where bottle necks might be?
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    Little Big Adventure/relentless (twin_e Or Lbawin)

    I've just ported my standalone lba video player to the gp2x just to see how hard crosscompiling is -- went well after I found out that a char is not aways signed :) anyway no sound yet im still working out the file format for that from yaz0rs original twin-e source - maybe a week to get the...
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    GP2X Are These Numbers Correct?

    I am thinking of writing a 3d library optimised for the gp2x -- it struck me that tile rendering may be a good architecture
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    Another One Fo Them Gp2x "killers"

    My €0.02 The only good thing (with any commodor credibility) are the F1 and F2 keys... The rest of it is crap, it looks like a baby monitor, its bulky as hell, it odviously has no shoulder buttons but worst of all its being released with nes titles??? wtf its a commodor! ""Another unique...
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    Little Big Adventure/relentless (twin_e Or Lbawin)

    I havent tryed yet - I dont think I will have to much of a problem with that. I'll fill you in on the current state of the project: DUGS Sounds are not stopable Sounds can dont vary pitch (discrete noises dont work properly etc) Movies arent scalled to fullscreen. Movies do not play sound...
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    Little Big Adventure/relentless (twin_e Or Lbawin)

    screen res is still a problem I looked at rescaling everything on load (tiles/bricks and gui) but everything is all over the place would probably take too long but would be the right thing to do ... for now I'll just try to scale it before the flip but it will be slow esp. if it requires writing...
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    Little Big Adventure/relentless (twin_e Or Lbawin)

    Hi guys -- its always nice to meet people who love lba :) -- I started work on a port of twin-e as soon as I got my gp2x. I've patched the cvs to enable sound, fix video timeing and some animation timing and varius crashes on linux. I started on some serius refactoring (a lot of the code has...
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    Gp2x Dugg

    This article just popped up on (which is a tech news site like slashdot)
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    Wired Magazine Full Page About Gp2x Issue Jan 2006

    Overhead 3d game ay; which would work on the 2x and would be worth while to port ...... humm time for some pointless guessing.... LBA, Fallout, Ultima?? oh I give up.
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    Bigger Screen

    hehe I know - thats why I went into the loft - I thought all my lego got thrown out but no :) I'm planing to build a robot using my ipaq 3600 (running linux) because its old now and I dont mind if I accidently brake it, and some sensors I've scavenged - (IR, mic, webcams, lots of microswitches...
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    Bigger Screen

    Maybe your right Spank but I can think of lots of times when carrying the lens would make sense - I can use it while traveling -- just plonk my 2x on the folding table on a train/plane etc and you can sit back and relax - I always end up talking to people on trains maybe they want to watch the...
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    Bigger Screen

    Images - yer the it looks pretty dodgy now - but I'm confident it could look cool. I dont think theres any point in doing it for real unless its something I can put in my coat pocket.
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    Bigger Screen

    Vimacs- not really its just like holding the screen twice as close but more convenient. you cant see the indevidual pixel components or anything?? Edit: I just take to long to reply :) Nubie - I probably saw one on the GB but forgot about it thanks.
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    Bigger Screen

    I was watching thundercats on the loo this morning (that old british past-time) and I was wondering if gph will release a 2x with a bigger screen like the psp (only not widescreen) -- then I thought of the film Brazil and wondered if I could use a fresnel len (a flat plastic lens normaly used by...