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    Release Xash3D - Half Life

    thx for the port, i never completely finished half life back in the day, now i think i finally will
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    Half Life Running on Pandora! (Xash3d)

    cant wait to try this
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    Release Mupen64Plus 2.2

    @ptitSeb so im not sure if thats still a known issue: I was clearing appdata of mupen and downloaded newest version from repo -> controls wont work. Fix was easy after reading this thread here, still would be nice if the version in the repo would work
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    left shoulder button not working

    It was completely off yes, you could shake the device and hear that button thing inside move around
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    left shoulder button not working

    solded and everything works again, yay! works even better now than original (button no longer feeling a bit loose), thanks for all your replies
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    left shoulder button not working

    so, i took a look inside (damn those screws arent easy to remove!), and the shoulder button is broken off
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    left shoulder button not working

    haha, well my comment about soldering was meant as "I never did it before". which means i dont have the tools either. ill just open it up when i have the time and post some pictures / videos here, that will help you to help me more i think
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    left shoulder button not working

    hey everyone so, I bought the pandora 1ghz in january 2014. when i received it, the left shoulder button was already behaving different than the right one (standing out a bit more and was harder to press). later, i think about 4 months ago already, it stopped funktioning entirely (button feels...
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    lua framework

    I continued working on the engine (still the majority of the code is done in lua, and still using open source libs with ports for the pandora only) working on my desktop PC. quite a lot is done already. the GUI system and network system need a bit more tuning, but the engine already offers quite...
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    Looking for a game developer

    you can use my mini engine if you want, although its still in its infancy and might be better to use an existing one (LÖVE?) SVN repo: forum thread:] the engine uses lua as much as...
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    lua framework

    im back, not much happened in the last month since i was on a business trip and had no time to work on the framework. i made a little bit of progress on the network part but nothing ground breaking few decisions i made for the framework: im going to write a new renderer with GL2.0 and GLES2.0...
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    Some PCBs, holidays, a new case revision and a theme

    still you have now lots of experience worth a book :P
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    Tips, tricks and tweaks

    youtube on pandora i dont know how many other had this problem, at least i do (did) have it: since the change more towards html5, none of the youtube players in the repo seem to work, also in firefox those videos wont play properly (very slow and no sound). the fix for firefox: disable html5...
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    lua framework

    i have seen load81, really nice for starters and for learning lua, but not what i need (i know lua well and i already implemented everything i need in a different way)
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    lua framework

    not too many big news yet, busy with work the last days. i could already post screenshots of animating fonts / textures but its not that impressive yet :) but i got udp network messages working, almost done with basic gui system and a system for injecting / removing functionality at runtime of...
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    lua framework

    ah then its ok, i wont do anything special (only draw quads with textures on them) and well, im halfway done writing code for displaying bmfonts so I hope this is doing to work out fine. network code is still a big question mark currently. i know how to use api(s) (wrote the majority of the game...
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    lua framework

    what exactly doesnt work? seemed fine for me in my first test.
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    lua framework

    oh and just to post numbers :P atm with one quad filling the screen in fullscreen mode runs at around 300 fps.
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    lua framework

    progress so far: luaJIT + FFI glshim + stb_image via FFI calling openGL and drawing GL_QUAD with textures basic input handling (and gl context) via SDL "class" implementation (in lua for lua,  class "Child" (Super) ) todo (before i can say i start making a game): GUI abstraction layer...
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    lua framework

    -std=gnu99 did the trick :) no other changes required, simply update the makefile (for example CCOPTIONS= -std=gnu99 etc..) and it compiles.  ( ) update: i was able to link the static lib and it ran my lua code fine so far