Been used for a few years. Still works well. The only problem is one of the SD card ports cannot read SD cards, unless if fixable.
For sale as seen in this attached photo. Price should be around half the original price.
So it's all about the emulator? I ran the SSF on my Windows 7 Samsung laptop with an Intel Core I5 and it ran good. So perhaps even the upcoming Nvidia Tegra K1 won't help either, correct? What about GameCube? I saw someone run Luigi's Mansion on a Nexus 10 (which I have that), but...
So either Bluetooth tool (including internal) will only work with a few programs and some emulators, but not all of them. And it requires a large amount of configuring with the command prompt?
Does it also wirelessly work with an OTG cable and a PS3 controller for Android tablets like the...
Will this work? It comes with a CD for Windows Vista and 7, and it's a USB device.
I loaded a rom set and got it working, but it seems that from M to Z none of these ROMs were found. Also, some ROMs like Fatal Fury 2 and Fight Fever don't show up well enough.
Here are all I did:
|1.| Placed .pnd file into the Menu folder
|2.| Placed into ROMs folder
|3.| Run the Neo.EMU emulator
|4.| Load game
Then it closes, bringing me back to the desktop.
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