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  1. R

    Gp2psx V0.36

    Well as long as it's not like some other scenes where authors demand for donations in order for them to continue their project, then it's all good.. But then again, that won't be donationware anymore :P
  2. R

    Mame Vs. Gngeo

    is there a romrc file that has support for the rest of the romsets that seem to be missing or is it because gngeo doesn't support it?
  3. R

    How E-book?

    for e-book txt mode.. does it still not wordwrap english text properly?
  4. R

    Ok I've Had Enough

    Probably in reference with PSP Homebrew But as I see it, the PSP homebrew scene is dying.. I mean the hyped PSIX dashboard has a price for it.. WTF IS UP WITH THAT! Along with mainly LUA apps/games being released, good grief it's starting to turn into a joke..
  5. R

    Lcd Tweaker - New Firmware

    I heard 266mhz is the actual clockspeed of the CPU and not 200mhz (as advertised)? Is that really true?
  6. R

    Mame Gp2x 1.1

    His donate button is on his site for anyone who's wondering about that (though you'd probably already seen it since you downloaded the updated version..)
  7. R

    Mame Gp2x 1.0 Ho Ho Ho !!!

    Well what do you expect, he blasted the GP2X and you think the people here are really going to stand that? Of course after that insult anything else the guy says is going to be blown out of proportion (GameFAQs style)
  8. R

    Mame Gp2x 1.0 Ho Ho Ho !!!

    Well besides computers (being the actual upgradable piece of hardware), no console or handheld can even fit that vision and there's ports for MAME all over the place.. But I'm starting to wonder if any of those ports even got the MAME devs approval in the first place?
  9. R

    Mame Gp2x 1.0 Ho Ho Ho !!!

    So.. Did the GP32 MAME had to go through these loops too? Still find it strange that you need to get approval for porting open sourced stuff..
  10. R

    Mame Gp2x 1.0 Ho Ho Ho !!!

    Get back to the rom menu.. I believe it's L+R+[Joypad Button press]
  11. R

    Mame Gp2x 1.0 Ho Ho Ho !!!

    Well I don't think those glaring flaws has much to do with how MAME is emulated on the GP2X.. And everyone can upgrade their firmware now.. Not even an excuse anymore when a nice homebrew dev made a program to update straight from the GP2X menu..
  12. R

    Mame Gp2x 1.0 Ho Ho Ho !!!

    Wonder if they stopped that guy making those horrible PSP MAME ports.. Those were seriously a piece of crap.. And I tried this version and it works really well, thanks for the xmas release and keep up the good work (if MAME devs let you)
  13. R

    Gp2x Kernel Updater

    Ah okay.. Thanks for this program.. Finally I can update my GP2X :D
  14. R

    Gp2x Kernel Updater

    when running patch20051216.gpu.. It just goes completely black for like a few seconds then goes back to the menu with no mention if anything was done to your system?
  15. R


    Dungeon Explorer for those Gauntlet fans.. Neutopia 1/2 for those Zelda fans.. Legendary Axe 1/2 for people who like action games?
  16. R

    Battery Time

    What's a good online shop to buy Ansmann batteries/charger that ships internationally?
  17. R

    Problems With Gp2x You Say?

    Reminds me of the Japanese launch of the PSP.. Fake videos made to show shooting UMDs, stuck square button, dust getting under the screen, etc..
  18. R

    First Upgrade Of Firmware On

    Everything is beta when it comes to google..
  19. R

    First Upgrade Of Firmware On

    I tried reading it in Google translation mode and just kept laughing.. :D