Search results

  1. joekutz

    Another little proposal: Backside logo

    *awakes from mostly reading the boards* I am also not a big fan of the logo design. How thick would the logo plate need to be? When the info was there, I missed it ;) I just thought about making my logo plate by CNC-milling it into FR4-PCB when I get my Pyra ;). This material is translucent...
  2. joekutz

    Want to explain what the Pyra is?

    *long time lurker here* Oh, I also just realized that the logo design had changed compared to the early versions. Well .. for the case I don't like it .. *starts thinking of a design to cut/carve into PCB-FR4 material with my CNC mill* (FR4 is translucent, so it even will light up where the...
  3. joekutz

    Bugs and Calculations

    *Woken up from long forum activity hibernation* The channel computerphile focuses more on the scientific aspect of computer science itself (as all other of Brady's channels do on different sciences) and they never review new devices, so they might be the wrong address. But I am definitely for...
  4. joekutz

    Selling 1GHz pandora in top condition

    *reads the rules* "All items must have a picture with the sellers forum name somewhere next to it (Not photoshopped)" .. huh? something like this? :-)
  5. joekutz

    Selling 1GHz pandora in top condition

    A package within NL is probably cheaper than driving :-)  but sure,  you can come over an pick it up. This could happen for example next weekend. When you confirm, I will PM you my address.
  6. joekutz

    Selling 1GHz pandora in top condition

    [edit] SOLD! :-) Hi pandora community! :) I am selling my 1GHz pandora as complete package! Awesome device but I will soon have no time anymore to do all the things I wanted to do with it. It has a black case, because I upgraded my rebirth some time ago. The case is also new and without any...
  7. joekutz

    Pandora Body / Lid Not Quite Right

    Do you actually have a black or silver case? Little difficult to see in the picture. I guess (almost) everybody (including me) got a Pandora which lid does not close entirely on both sides, because of the already mentioned low quality cases. I never saw this as problem. The black cases had...
  8. joekutz

    OpenPandora is NOT dead!

    Totally Agree :-D I am following the project (mainly as reader) since a long while [*owns a upgraded black 1GHz model*] and it is truely amazing that this thing exists. I am curious.. how many pandoras are out there now, at all? Really looking forward to see a P2 some time. [added] Oh and...
  9. joekutz

    Pandora as sound generator

    OK, cool.. two things to try out on the weekend :-) (no time before unfortuneately) I will tell what worked for me.
  10. joekutz

    Pandora as sound generator

    That's what I wrote some posts before :-P :-) Well.. i don't need to have the sound generated on my pandora. But it would be nice to slide though to a sweep and know the exact frequency. I want to use this to detect standing waves in speaker boxes. Something like this would be nice: (does not...
  11. joekutz

    Pandora as sound generator

    This is exactly what i did :-). I live since quite a while in the linux world. And as /bin is a standard executable path, it would have worked anyway. Thought that the pandora is may be not allowed to execute stuff directly from the SD. (I just got the idea.. can it be that i forgot to mark it...
  12. joekutz

    Pandora as sound generator

    Thank you for the software, but I couldn't make it run yet unfortuneately. I tried copying the file to /media/mySDcard and also to /bin, but it always says "command not found" when i try to execute it in a terminal. What am i doing wrong? I found another semi-comfortable method in between...
  13. joekutz

    Pandora as sound generator

    *A unsuccessful search for code::block, a brain-controlled substring generation and a successful search for Code::Blocks later* ;-)  Ah, this is what you mean. Well.. when you could send me the tool without the rest of the package, it would be very nice. I also found a website with a...
  14. joekutz

    Pandora as sound generator

    Hi Community! I would like to use my pandora as a sound-generator for testing speakers and amplifiers. I found some pnd for midi/synth/[music]keyboard but I did not manage to use them in the way i want. could somebody recommend something that makes the pandora: a ) play a sine/sawtooth/square...
  15. joekutz

    Crack in black case

    Hi There! To warm this topic up again a bit.. (as there are still many black cases out there): Seems like I also have a crack-sensitive case on my march-2012-rebirth pandora: I opened the battery case of my Pandora only twice in its whole life.. and now, 2 of the three hooks that kept the lid...
  16. joekutz

    pandora review on tweetermanreviews

    As a forumwide search here for "tweeterman" did not bring any results, I suppose, I am the first one who found this: .. this guy reviews games and stuff, a bit like used to do it. (ashens also reviewed the pandora, loong time ago) .. Seemes like...
  17. joekutz

    Pre-Ordered Pandora, what version is it?

    Updated. Checked. Happy. Thanks for the fast reply! cheers, joe p.s. I had the gut feeling that I read this some time somewhere in the forum already but could not find back the thread.
  18. joekutz

    Pre-Ordered Pandora, what version is it?

    Hi there, I (preorderer from january2012) just got my Pandora, and I am also questioning myself .. what Edition is it (on the inside / outside). The outside is clear - the sticker under the battery says "rebirth Edition" and "made in Bavaria". A "cat /proc/meminfo" in the terminal tells me...