I just discovered, that it shows the same on my home wifi which is WPA2 PSK. :unsure:
It seems like I have no encryption at all.
Please tell me I am wrong!
Can anyone reproduce that on any encrypted wifi?
Hey guys,
I recently discovered a problem with the wifi at university.
It's secured with WPA2 Enterprise;
Tunneled TLS with PAP, username/password.
It seems like there is no encryption enabled 'cause the wifi chip cannot use it.
# dmesg
[16345.885314] wl1251: ERROR PS change taking too...
... and another 2 pages for the Pandora-Book. ;)
This project has everything in it's story. Even a volcano.
We should make a movie out of this. :D
BTW: What's the status of a mini OS for charging?
[sent from Pandora; 3G; somewhere on the road]
Good to hear that you catched up with mails. The ticket system was overdue for a long time.
Keep getting closer to the zero-mail-line. ;)
Cheers from Aotearoa
Great news. ;) Keep going.
I wish to help with the tickets, but as I'm currently in overseas I wouldn't be able to help regulary.
But I'm quite sure, there will be more than enough people anyway. :)
Cheers Another
Um mal alle Klarheiten zu beseitigen:
Die Josef-Ponschab-Straße war EDs Privatadresse und die Adresse der OpenPandora GmbH.
In der Schäffbräustraße hatte er schon immer sein Büro für seinen "normalen" Job.
Daher war er früher unter beiden Adressen mehr oder weniger erreichbar.
Mit seinem Umzug...
Zuletzt hab' ich gestern was von ihm gelesen. Also keine Sorge, er lebt noch. ;)
Hat nur wie üblich die halbe Welt um die Ohren.
BTW: Ich hab' bald 2-jähriges. Also bist du noch relativ gut dran.
Yeah... seems so.
Hope they find this guy. In case of fraud he is probably (I'm not a lawyer) personally liable, which means every car, house, bank account and every peace of paper will be distrained to get 5000 EUR.
I got a feeling that he will be arrested in 2 months™ ;)
wird im GP2X-Shop hier deine Bestellung angezeigt? (Sofern du eingeloggt bist.)
Dort sollte ein Button namens "anzeigen" sein, der die Details zur Bestellung auflistet.
Good to hear that GC is doing stuff well. I expected more issues. ;)
Merchandise would be *definitely* cool. :)
But I guess it's more something like an updated manual as it can be shipped to others customers if they want one.
What a wonderful christmas present! The video is just great and the background music, too. ;)
I want to thank the complete OPT (also the people in the background that are not that present as ED) for making this happen.
There's just one point that I am worried about: You really look like a...
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