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  1. G

    Squidgesnes 0.34 Hack

    [Update] the option Fast Sprites doesn't work: so you have to uncheck it. Is it possible to add the processor speed adjustement? (increase Mhz to 266?)
  2. G

    GP2X Vincent For Gp2x Alpha

    [Update] Nevermind Where is the download? Thanks
  3. G

    Nk Qtopia For Gp2x

    I don't remember all the attempts I did to get Qtopia to work... Last time I tried to update the kernel for Qtopia, I lost some icons! Today was the last time.
  4. G

    Hardware Mods And Utilities

    Qtopia makes my GP2X to hang: I had to reinstall Firmware 1.2.1 then firmware 1.4.0.. and then cramfs doesn't work anynmore whentrying to reinstall it.... so not sure why we should advise Qtopia...this is more a Alpha release
  5. G

    Andlinux Poc V2.1 Released

    How do you start a simple shell script using sh?? Each time I tried to launch a script, I got an error as if sh was not please
  6. G

    Planning Of Buying A 2gb Scandisk Sd Card

    Yes, they work. However, trying to get one through Ebay is a big fight...
  7. G

    I Did It!

    C'est tres sympa les postes en langues etrangeres! Bientot, on va se mettre a l'allemand, le suedois et encore bien d'autres! ;)
  8. G

    Gp2psx V0.35

    hey guys, life can be so easy: few things bother you :) Anyway, PSX and SNES emus share the same issue: not fast enough ;)
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    Gp2psx V0.35

    which scrubs?? Be more precise :)
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    Gp2psx V0.35

    suidge, is there a chance you could include a cpu tweaker and zip support (using the zlib libs available) into your emulator squidegesnes?
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    still too slow.... :( Hopefully, this is only a first version: I guess next version will be more optimized.
  12. G


    Tyrian 2000 ( works well, but still too slow to be really playable. :( Is there a way to integrate a Cpu tweaker into this dosbox port?
  13. G

    Quake V2?

    I have reinstalled 2xquake 0.1 (from,1,0,0,20,855), and it's still crashing when going into the water...any help will be really apprectiated!
  14. G

    Super Sexy Joystick Mod (xbox + Pen = Bliss)

    Please can somebody attach a picture of this cap to this thread? Thanks
  15. G

    Duke 3d

    Right now, this last version is too buggy (freezes when exiting, freezes when saving a game, etc). So let's wait for the next release or keep using Duke 3D on Zodiac.
  16. G

    Gp2psx V0.35

    ...and me: I'm thrilled being able to play Tomb Raider on the GP2x in 2050...on my bed before my last breath... kidding ;)
  17. G

    Quake V2?

    And what about going into the water? Is it going to be fixed in the next release of Quake for gp2x? FYI: each time that you jump into the water, quake2x freezes...too bad.
  18. G

    Gp2psx V0.35

    On my side, still trying to make the Tomb Raider series to run with no luck so far, after having tested all the ISO rip tools availables :( Might be the compression?... Anyway, please Zodttd, sorry to bother you about that: I understand that speed is important, but could you make sure that the...
  19. G

    Gp2psx V0.34

    Not this one. However, I have tried so many games, but only few of them work :( -Tomb raider 1 -Tomb raider 3 -Tomb raider 4 -Tomb Raider 5 -Ridge Racer Revolution -etc Each game I try fails, so I have the feeling to lose my time testing thie emulator, especially when you spend your time ripping...
  20. G

    Gp2psx V0.34

    Tomb Raider doesn't work with 0.34d :( However, Tomb Raider II demo works, but still too slow to be playable. So, the ones that work are still too slow.