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  1. L

    Firmware 2.0.0 Next Week!

    Well whoopdee doo, the firmware is up but it won't let me register blech! Oh and hi all, I've been off the forums for a while, not that I was a big poster or anything. I almost ripped my foot off when I did it, but I got a DS and its amazing :) But my GP2X still conquers my homeroom time at...
  2. L

    Headphone Jack Breaking?

    thanks all, I have no soldering skillz what-so-ever, but a pal of mine does so I'll see if he can fix it. Sry I didn't see the other thread but I was kinda distressed so I didn't check. Thanks again!
  3. L

    Headphone Jack Breaking?

    Hello, I was wondering if anyone had had the problem of their headphone jack breaking. Mine broke off from the motherboard of the GP2X and it looks like it needs to be soddered(spelling?) back on.
  4. L

    Xump heh... sry gotta do this for my Computer class... just ignore it
  5. L

    Psx Emulator

    okay, cool thx
  6. L

    Psx Emulator

    Well I got RPG maker running, yay for me! But I'm having trouble with the framerate and frameskip options how do I change em?
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    Psx Help

    okay, well I'm new to the ripping and etc of these ISOs, how do I make em usable with the emulator?
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    Plz Help Me Out

    Tch... noobs... :rolleyes:
  9. L

    Priston Tale

    found a totally free, and pretty nice looking MMO called Conquer Online
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    Priston Tale

    well I think its free, but you can pay to recieve better stuff
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    Priston Tale

    lol well guess I'm stupid then... <_< well still looks worth a trial :rolleyes:
  12. L

    Priston Tale

    Has anybody ever played Priston Tale? I've been thinking of getting it so I kinda wanted an opinion before I played. If you haven't its an awesome looking FREE(w00t!) MMO.
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    Very Nice Effect

    most definately! :D
  14. L

    Choose Your Character!

    mmm... choco choco! Chocolate! Btw, how much is the iRiver?
  15. L

    Goldeneye Help

    indeed he does!
  16. L

    Movie Sound

    oh well wouldn't you know it! Pocket DivX has the neat little feature of being able to correct your audio and video syncronization!
  17. L

    Movie Sound

    although, the Pocket DivX is slower than VEMoDe...
  18. L

    Movie Sound

    The original movies are all in sync. You can encode to xvid on Pocket DivX, but I don't really understand all the different codec things so can I get an explanation of them?
  19. L

    Zelda Skin

    yay! I've got a friend who's nutzors about zelda, when this is done and on the gp2x he's gonna frikkin explode! EDIT: Not that that would be a good thing... :P
  20. L

    Movie Sound

    well re-encoding makes it smaller, a good thing when you only have a 128mb SD card like me