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  1. F

    For Sale - Gp2x + 256sd Card

    It's been sold - anyone wanna GB Micro? :D
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    For Sale - Gp2x + 256sd Card

    Usual story - need the money and can't justify keeping it. Nothing wrong with it at all - no scratches, dead pixels. I seem to have a large collection of gadgets that I just don't use - PSP, GP2X, Gameboy Micro, DS - I might learn one day to stop p!ssing my money away!!! :lol:
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    For Sale - Gp2x + 256sd Card

    Hi all - I need to get rid of my beloved GP2X so thought I would put it on here to see if there are any takers. All boxed - as new. Comes with 256SD card. Looking for £100 ono + £4.50 Special Delivery. Thanks.
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    New Owner

    Cheers for that.
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    New Owner

    I used to own a GP32 and am now a proud owner of a GP2X. Was just wondering what killer apps I should install first and any other useful info. Thanks in advance for all your help. Dan
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    Should I Get A Blu +

    FFS Pina - give the guy a break. OK, maybe he should do a search first but calling someone lazy is just rude. We were all new once - remember??? Even you!! :(
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    Purchasing A Flu From Lik-sang?

    Perhaps you should hold on for a few more days. Lik Sang are aware of the problem and are on the case. When I sent my Blu back to them I also included a CD with all the programs that corrupted my screen, so hopefully they will test them out on other units. Best drop them an email and actually...
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    Mods... Noticed All The Fauly Gp Threads Lately??

    The reason that there was an influx of messages is that good people paid good money for something that should work --- and we are not happy about it. The whole point of these boards is to get advise for my particular problem - it doesn't matter if Fred Blogs down the road has the same thing...
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    How To Test Gp32 If Its 100% Working

    Give them time - they will reply. I have been speaking to a guy called Jim from Lik Sang and he has been very helpful. They will sort you out.
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    Just Got My Blu From Gbax.xom And...

    I dign't say it would be best for YOU to go there - for me it was the right choice. I ended up paying just £20 more for my BLU from GBAX, which is very reasonable. I now have a working unit and if it does go wrong I will be dealing with a company based in the UK. I must admit that Lik Sang dealt...
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    Just Got My Blu From Gbax.xom And...

    Cheers guys - it is a kick arse piece of kit - worth waiting for!!!
  12. F

    Just Got My Blu From Gbax.xom And...

    I went for the stock 133mhz version but it seems to be stable at 154 which is cool with me. It does lock up at 166 but I may get it modded one day. I am just happy that I have a unit that works. My faulty GP32 will be with Lik Sang in 5 days and then I will get refunded.
  13. F

    Just Got My Blu From Gbax.xom And... works like a dream. No dreaded bar when playing Frodo. I am one happy person :D For some reason it also feels alot more solid than my faulty unit from Lik-Sang. Perhaps they are building them differently. My old one used to creak and make noises - this one is perfect. Morale of this...
  14. F

    How To Test Gp32 If Its 100% Working

    Hi Craig, I manged to replicate the bar using Frodo, the Super NES and the Xenon game. It now does it on startup and I am running the same firmware from when I first go it.
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    How To Test Gp32 If Its 100% Working

    Lik Sang will sort it out - don't worry. I have my RMA and it is going back tomorrow and I have been promised a refund. They know that there is a problem - it is a shame that there is not much they can do as it is a fault from the production line. I was one of the first to slag off Lik Sang but...
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    How To Test Gp32 If Its 100% Working

    I am using standard Airmail as suggested by Lik Sang. It may take slightly longer but it is only £8.00 which is quite cheap. I will pay a little extra to get a tracking number - this is through Royal Mail in the UK. I have also requested a refund which Lik Sang have agreed to - thanks Lik Sang...
  17. F

    How To Test Gp32 If Its 100% Working

    Yep - same problem as me. I have just got my returns number from Lik Sang and it will be heading it's way back to Hong Kong tomorrow. Just ordered another GP32 from :)
  18. F

    How To Test Gp32 If Its 100% Working

    Do yourself a favour - don't flash the firmware. There is no point and you may end up with a faulty GP32. Mine was faulty out of the box so you would now by knwo if your's was knackered.
  19. F

    New Taiwanese LCD GP2 with White Bars

    I should get an email back from them tomorrow morning. I looked into getting mine shipped back and it will cost around £45!!!! I will let you know the outcome tomorrow (if they answer).
  20. F

    New Taiwanese LCD GP2 with White Bars

    Great constructive comment - nice one Hanz <_< Pina - the BLU is there, you are right but it is not available to buy :(