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  1. F

    Caanoo / WIZ Texture Compression On Wiz

    Yep, but the iPhone has some very good compressed formats like GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA_PVRTC_4BPPV1_IMG. I know the video subsystem in the Wiz is not a powervr stuff. frozen
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    Caanoo / WIZ Texture Compression On Wiz

    Hi Does the Wiz support texture compression? Is there any tool I can create compressed textures with, and use them in my Wiz engine? Thanks, frozen
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    Opengl In The Firmware 1.2.0

    Thank you, you helped a lot! frozen
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    Opengl In The Firmware 1.2.0

    A lib for static linking would be great! Thanks! :)
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    Opengl In The Firmware 1.2.0

    Hmm, I'm not familiar with linux/gcc, but addicted to visual c. I thought .so is the same as dll on windows, and I need a lib file that could be linked against my code. frozen
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    Opengl In The Firmware 1.2.0

    A precompiled tslib would solve my problems. A cheked the file. It contains the header for tslib and the .so file, but the library file (.a or .o) is missing. frozen
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    Opengl In The Firmware 1.2.0

    Is there any other way to use opengl es without using SDL 1.3? If it is possible to use SDL 1.2 for input (and sound, etc), and somehow draw with opengl es then it is fine for me. I checked the Propis demo, it works on my device but there is awful rendering artifacts on the screen. It seems...
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    Opengl In The Firmware 1.2.0

    Hi Did anybody try the new OpenGL ES of the firmware 1.2.0? Do I understand well, that with a better opengl binary, I could use the original 1.2 SDL with 3d hardware acceleration? I need the touch screen support and SDL 1.3 do not have it. Thanks, frozen
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    Touch Screen Sdl 1.3

    Where can i find the source code of sdl 1.2?
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    Touch Screen Sdl 1.3

    Hi Thanks for the quick answer. Are you planning to add touch screen support to 1.3? Or do i have any other possibility to grab tocuh events? Thanks, frozen
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    Touch Screen Sdl 1.3

    Hello How can i use the touch screen of the Wiz? I thought sdl sends me mouse events on touch events, but it doesn't. Thanks, frozen
  12. F

    How To Improve Opengl Es Performance?

    I render around 1200 triangles (4 tile layers - 2d stuff) in my game, 3 of the 4 texture atlases have perpixel alphamap. It is 20 batches with sprites and effects. Currently (without any optimization) it runs at 25 fps if i use floats, and 28-29 fps if i use fixed math. frozen
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    Anyone Need Art/ui Design Work?

    Hi Some gfx UI/design help would be great for our project. I send you a private message. frozen
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    How To Improve Opengl Es Performance?

    Sorry, a little fix: '..when rendering 2d geometry...'. What is the performance difference when rendering 3d geometry? It could be the same if the 3d hardware has hardware TnL i think. Or if the cpu has the same tnl performance with fixeds and floats. :)
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    How To Improve Opengl Es Performance?

    The same here. Performance with floats vs fixeds is the same when rendering geometry only.
  16. F

    How To Improve Opengl Es Performance?

    (1) This is the code of drawing only one tetris block? In this case you should batch your draw calls, e.g. collecting all the static blocks into one buffer and render it once. (2) Or do you render the whole game screen into a texture and draw it onto 2 triangles? Texture creation is a slow...
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    How To Improve Opengl Es Performance?

    Hello I have very limited experiences yet, but it seems that the 3d hw of wiz is not slower than the PowerVR MBX Lite of the iPhone (not the 3gs with the SGX and Cortex-A8). It should be far enough performace for a tetris. My game is a little bit faster on the wiz, but it can be a simple lucky...
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    Caanoo / WIZ Wiz Software Ideas

    Maybe i misunderstand the situation and the problem, but now developers write a little a script for their apps, that runs the application and restarts the menu when the app quits. Maybe the scripts could be a little more intelligent and it could start the right launcher after the app quits, e.g...
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    Sleep Mode

    Hi I also mentioned this feature on my idea-list here: Maybe i will create a little test program that does nothing, but turns off the screen and sleeps, and i will check the baettery life while running it. Of course this...
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    Caanoo / WIZ Wiz Software Ideas

    Hi @Hardyx > But, I think that a more complex interface like 3D give less memory to programs. If i understand well, the menu exits when you start a program, and reloads on quiting. Maybe i'm wrong. @glezmen > i'm working on a game lancher UI which will have these features, so please be...