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  1. S

    Refund problems

    Got my money back! Thanks!
  2. S

    Refund problems

    I got an email back from Jacquelyn! She said she was sorry about the mixup and my refund will be processed this week. I will post again when I get the money back.
  3. S

    Refund problems

    I did a while back (when I made this thread) and he never responded. I just sent him another one, hopefully he responds this time.
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    Refund problems

    Who should I PM about this? ED?
  5. S

    Refund problems

    Still haven't gotten my money back. Still haven't received any email replies.
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    Refund problems

    My gosh...I really hope I can get my money back. That was $374.99, if I never get it back, bad things are going to happen.
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    Refund problems

    I cancelled my order on September 27th, and Jacquelyn emailed me back on September 29th stating "I will process the refund via Paypal as requested." It has been well over a month and I have received no money. I emailed Jacquelyn back on the 10th of this month asking what happened, and I have...
  8. S

    Lovely pandora! With slight flaw...

    What the hell happened? I received 45 new emails about new replies to this topic today.
  9. S

    Assault Cube

    Just the possibility of playing MP Sauerbraten on the go was one of the reasons I bought the damn thing. EDIT: OH GOD, I just noticed the post date. *embarrassment* SO SORRY PEOPLE, JUST IGNORE.
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    Lovely pandora! With slight flaw...

    Wow, all these posts have me sort of worried...hopefully my (dead last 1st batch) Pandora won't have any flaws.
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    Command for testing buttons

    Disassembling the Pandora sounds a lot like disassembling the DSL.
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    Popsci Best Of What's New

    Exactly. Apple just has a devoted enough fanbase to influence these sort of things.
  13. S

    Popsci Best Of What's New

    What makes you think the iPad won't make the list?
  14. S

    baha trippy

    baha trippy
  15. S

    Popsci Best Of What's New

    I sent an email to Wired about the OpenPandora project, hopefully I will get a response. I don't really think that Make would really go for this sort of thing, but if someone wants to tell them about it, go ahead.
  16. S

    Popsci Best Of What's New

    I sent messages to ED and craigx about this.
  17. S

    Mac On Pandora?

    if anyone hacked iOS to run on the pandora, apple would sue all our nuts off.
  18. S

    Popsci Best Of What's New
  19. S

    Anyone For Some Rts Gaming

    That's it! Someone needs to make a multiplayer RTS for the Pandora that is only playable on the Pandora, that way people with Pandoras around the world could play against each other! It would be called "Pandcraft".
  20. S

    Anyone For Some Rts Gaming

    Well, the Spring RTS engine definitely needs a high-spec system, but it could probably be scaled down enough so the Pandora could run it.