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  1. S

    Reordering Deadline

    I'm canceling my preorder. Credit card was the only reasonable payment method for me, since Xoom doesn't work and bank transfers at Israel cost too much.
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    Shipping Date: Guessing Game

    Madness? no! this is SPARTA! I say 29/2/2009
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    Will The Bank Changing Affect Buyers?

    I figured they won't keep something like this a secret. Just wanted to verify they didn't notified us while I was away from home and I missed it...
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    It's Preorder Day!

    Preorder day here at Israel too. Show me the button!
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    Is Anyone Working On A Cps3 Emulator?

    MMMmmm.... Correct me if I'm wrong, but if someone port a FBA or MAME version with CPS3 support, won't he have to optimize the code for each emulated system individually?
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    Any Software Complete For Release ?

    If someone won't make a neogeo emulator as soon as it comes out I'll steal a nuclear bomb and destroy the entire world. Yea, I know a nuclear bomb isn't enough to destroy the whole world, but it won't hurt to try, right?
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    Is there any antivirus software that can be ported to the Pandora? Do we even need an antivirus?
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    Universal Rom Loader

    MMMmmm.... If we decide now on a unified command line format for emulators it should be pretty easy to do you idea.
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    You Guys Are Not Going To Believe It

    So... almost everyone here(including me) were pretty damn sure that people are going to care more about the machine's abilities than about the company who made it. Turn out we were wrong...
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    You Guys Are Not Going To Believe It

    Yesterday I was telling a friend of mine about the Pandora, and can you guess what was the first thing he asked? it was "Which company made it?"!!! I started to freak out, and ofcourse I replied "NO COMPANY! A BUNCH OF DUDES MADE IT!"(it's in caps because I said it while freaking out)...
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    Lol Files

    Lol. My topic was so funny even the mods can't kill it.
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    Rething The Design

    This is something people can link to whenever someone makes a stupid design change post.
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    Got Two Questions.

    No one ever said that if DOSbox is ported no other DOS emu should be ever ported...
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    Rething The Design

    Ofcourse it's a bloody joke! If I was serious the thing would have a D-Pad, a start button and 4 buttons labeled A,B,C and D lay out in a row, and it would boot KoF2001.
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    Rething The Design

    Yea, I know it's a bit too late, but I have some design changes I think Craig&co should seriously consider. I will greatly appreciate it if you forgive my poor drawing skills - I've just drew the component leaving out the LEDS(as one more LED or one less LED doesn't really matter). I've also use...
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    I Gots A Question...

    Speaking of the cards - will they stick out of the machine or will I be able to safely put the thing in my pocket with the SDs inside without having to fear they'll snap, or even worse - damage their ports? I've never used SD cards so I don't know how those things work...
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    Will The Pandora's Screen Be Compatible With Lightguns?

    Just imagine all the people holding a Pandora on their one hand while pointing a gun at it on their other hand...
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    Pandora Lite?

    I never go outside without an arcade cabin in my back pocket...