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  1. T

    GP2X Psx4all Src?

    have you tried contacting zodttd about it? maybe he would give you the last version or would even help ya with the work. definietly interesting work you do there, keep it up^^
  2. T

    Basic Open2x Questions

    will there be news on the open2x website when the DR4 f200 version is released?
  3. T

    My F100 Joystick Cap Broke Off -_-

    you mean you need something like this new? i can give ya the rest of the money from my pay pal acc i think its 4€ should be enought i think. you have pay pal? or i could puchase it and sendit to ya if ya want i hope the 4€ are enought...
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    Fba2x - Finalburn Alpha Beta 6 Released

    beta 7 with capex frontend is released by headoverheels^^
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    I think someone once worked on a sdio driver, but i dont know if he still works on it. would be realy great if wi-fi over sd cards would be possible^^
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    My Moded Gp2x

    Wow really nice, looks awesome! good job. What game are you playing in your youtube video?
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    Some Noob Questions

    Is the f200 dpad do much better than the f100 stick? Cause i like stiks more but touchscreen would be nice aswell^^ but well i could get a new f100 for 30 $ less than f200, so the question is the dpad and touchscreen worth 30 $? Is there anyway to play LUA games on gp2x? Cause it would be...
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    Snes Slow Fps

    Super mario world 2 uses the super fx chip, wich isnt emulated yet and will propably never, as said before use the gba version of yoshis island.
  9. T

    Gp2x For Sale On Ebay

    Yeah if no one other will bid on this in 8 hours and a few minutes im going to win the auction for only 51 pounds^^ You are shiping to germany right?