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  1. G

    Sludge Source Released

    Out of Order... good old crazy freeware stuff :D
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    Settlers 3, Age Of Empires And Sam & Max

    There's a open-sorce Settlers 2 project callen Widelands. Have no idea whether it is portable or not As for the neverending stream of new Sam&Max things the engine seems to be closed and relies on 3D heavily, which as I understand is not quite within gp2x reach.
  3. G

    What If...

    QUOTE A Real Joystick Real, huh? Hardly a handheld <_< QUOTE A pink console would be great! Funny, other girls at this forum growled at the idea when I suggested it... :unsure:
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    Thats It Im Leaving !

    I find the previous one much cuter :(
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    Pimp My Pandora

    Joystick icon can use an extra button on both sides. That will make it look like a... a gesture at PSP, DS and stuff.
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    Who Has Ideas For Making The Most Of Fps Games?

    And what about Abuse?
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    Gp2x Wont Fit In Cradle?

    Can some work with a file fix this?
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    Pandora's Design

    QUOTE No one is to stone anyone until I blow his whistle, even - and I want to make this absolutely clear! - even if they DO say "keyboard"! (almost © Life of Brian)
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    Pimp My Pandora

    Considering the number of buttons I'd suggest the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy design :lol:
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    How Many People Didn,t Recieve Thier Gp2x This Xmas

    *yawn* And how long those Christmas holidays are supposed to last? (We don't celebrate in down here) I mean, I have preordered f200, asked about some details, was told that shipping to my place might be difficult, asked what those difficulties are and now I havent heard from err... Dave for a...
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    Who Has Ideas For Making The Most Of Fps Games?

    QUOTE Secondly, I personally want a handheld device which I can play FPS games on. Uh... like that?
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    Is A Keyboard Necessary?

    I'd like to see one play A Mind Forever Voyaging with touchscreen or a keyboard on a cord without a table. Haven't seen much comedy shows recently so that'll do perfectly.
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    I'd really prefer such wheel because sticking out slider would constantly be dragged by clothes, becomes loose and eventyally just won't stay in one place. And if you need quick adjustment making several small moves for wheel seems easier than shoving the slider all across the scale.
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    The Pandora Will Rule

    Nah... BSOD is something that'll haunt users of this thing BTW if it weren't for it's size and uncovered screen I'd start saving up for it and its cradle right now... Though DOSBox might kill it.
  15. G

    Keyboard Suggestions

    One can do a lot of fine gaming entirely with keyboard. Old Sierra and Legend adventures, the whole Infocom legacy. That's hours of fun and just imagine how black Zork background and white letters will suit black Pandora. B) Of course, only if it comes with ultra-low-battery-use mode. It'll...
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    Pandora's Design

    Can keyboard actually fill the whole area - not trapezium? Rarely used keys like some punctuation marks could be placed in corners. Or get a < and > on each side - leaving space for Ctrl below.
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    Size Comparison

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    Size Comparison

    How large is it comparing to this thing? (the only similar format gadget I have currently)
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    Pandora's Design

    Gb part is gone now... :ph34r: Now it's just "running Linux". And the render is black.
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    Do You Like The Name?

    It looks kinda.. cute. G.E.C.K. style cute.