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  1. T

    Gp2X F100 Sat Idle For Over A Year - Won't Boot

    I know a guy who works for a battery company (i knew he'd come in useful one day) so I may be able to test it with some brand new ones without incurring any cost. Unfortunately I'm in the UK so sending it to you may be problematic. The offer is very much appreciated though, thanks. If you know...
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    Gp2X F100 Sat Idle For Over A Year - Won't Boot

    Thanks for the speedy reply Senor Quack It's an F100. The contacts are good and if the battery lights on the unit are anything to go by it's getting enough juice. I'll have to try some new batts but the current ones are working in a 360 controller, PC mouse and MP3 player if that's anything to...
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    Gp2X F100 Sat Idle For Over A Year - Won't Boot

    Firstly, I apologise if any of my post is stupid or unhelpful. As the title suggests I haven't used my GP2X for over a year (possibly even 2) so I've forgotten the little I used to know regarding it. Due to loss/breakage I'm currently down to two batteries that I used to use with the GP2X and no...
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    Gpfrontier - Elite 2: Frontier Ported To Gp2x

    I love you I love you I love you I love you! Being a Brit, I'm not one to show much emotion, although you can hopefully garner that I'm pleased. :D
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    Gravity Force Port... Would Be Awesome!

    There was an enhanced vesion called Gravity Power that came on the front of Amiga Power (natch). More maps and options and stuff. Just so you know. ;)
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    Frontier Elite 2 Port On Psp... Convertable?

    For the Amiga... I don't know how that relates to dosbox. I'm obviously a tard. :rolleyes: And the Me-262 was fun, but not as much as the 40-sec Komet flights, firing rockets upwards into the belly of a bomber. Damn, really want to play it again now.
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    Frontier Elite 2 Port On Psp... Convertable?

    It was a laggy game at best. Could Dosbox handle it? If so what about Secret Weapons of the Luftwaffe (anyone remember that one?).
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    Frontier Elite 2 Port On Psp... Convertable?

    Continuing in a way from DanSolo's post (the Elite theme for those confused), I almost wet myself with joy when I found this: Any chance of a GP2X port? I know we have Amiga emulators which I guess the Amiga version will work on (just a...
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    Ac Adapter Inquiry

    Thanks for the advice guys. Torn between the Masterplug 2500mA from the wiki and the official one. The former 's easier to get hold of, but has more chance of going wrong (the multiple settings could be a recipe for disaster). Confused by the wiki. Read it before posting and it said the unit...
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    Ac Adapter Inquiry

    Blast and blast again. Thanks guys. Seems I'll have to bite the bullet and delve into my wallet... Again. Better that than bugger my new toy. Any recommendations, or will any brand that fit the requirements suffice? Cheers.
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    Ac Adapter Inquiry

    Hello Everybody. I was hoping to save some money by reusing one of my many AC Adapters for my GP2X (which gets dispatched on friday... yay). Long to short, would this work?: Sony Input: AC 230-240V, 50Hz 5W Output: 3V, 500mA Dunno if the input details matter, just saving time in case. It's...
  12. T

    GP2X Ja2 On Gp2x?

    Ah, I see. Well, I won't hold out hope then :). Thanks.
  13. T

    GP2X Ja2 On Gp2x?

    Dammit, I knew I'd missed it. Thanks. Not exactly an answer though. Wish I could code and I'd do It myself. Ah well
  14. T

    GP2X Ja2 On Gp2x?

    I've searched the topic extensively but found no answers (although they are undoubtebly out there) so it has come down to this. A forum post. So I ask, as a newbie and a terrible Googler, that you bear with me while I spew out my question in the form of this already long-winded ramble. Is there...
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    I'm Nearly Sold On The Gp2x... Just A Few Questions.

    That's sorted then. Thanks B)
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    I'm Nearly Sold On The Gp2x... Just A Few Questions.

    Bugger and Blast! Ah, well If wings runs that'll be great. I'm going to order my Gp2x tomorrow. By the way, is it worth the extra money for the Power pack bundle (the 266 MHz one)? [Edit] Just read that theres a port of Ultima 7. If I knew that I wouldn't have started this post :)
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    I'm Nearly Sold On The Gp2x... Just A Few Questions.

    *Does best Randy Marsh impression* Oh, My, God! ... you're right! I completely forgot about that! It was the review of the Amiga version that first made me want to get the game. I could kiss you sir! That's it, it's settled, I'm getting one. :)
  18. T

    I'm Nearly Sold On The Gp2x... Just A Few Questions.

    Thanks for the swift replies. TelcoLou: Thanks, your concise reply spoke volumes. :) GunPei2X: Two gobbits of good news, ta. Nethack's hard as nails though and I might end up using my GP2X as a missile whilst in a rage... Good game though. Parkydr: It's not the only reason I want one. I'm an...
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    I'm Nearly Sold On The Gp2x... Just A Few Questions.

    Hi all. I'm seriously considering buying one of these but need just a little more convincing. Has anyone ported the following games? UFO: Enemy Unknown (X-COM: UFO Defence for US readers) and its sequal Terror from the deep? These are my fav games of all time and would sell my soul to be able...