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    Transfering files to GP

    Don't forget that the file names must have at last 8 characters length and a 3 characters extension, never more (I know it's annoying, if you want more infos seek the topic named "renaming files on the gp32")
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    games for sale!

    ASR interest me, but i live in too bad... too complicated for buy it to you...
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    MILL !!!

    I was talking about "mill" a fabulous game who's going to be released very soon, and i suppose that Jlebrech was talking about my grammaticaly poor sentences...
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    MILL !!!

    I do ce que je peux !!! But it still understable, no ?! :huh:
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    MILL !!!

    As I post about one or twol weeks ago, the release of "Mill", a 2d-3d great action-Rpg in a fantasy world with mature content (the last thing is maybe only a rumour...), is imminent (confirmed by and the ads on Yum, Yum !!!
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    Better MP3 Player?

    Your question is "is there another better MP3 player ?" and GPFileManager IS also another mp3 player, and i really think IS BETTER... Can't say more, there's no other MP3 player out there for the moment... so it's basically the only alternative, or try to make work MPGPM or Media Player GP... :P
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    You not have to COPY freelauncher to your SMC, you have to INSTALL IT (first menu under PC-LINK), wish here's your mistake...
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    Better MP3 Player?

    The other one that i use is GPFM, with this one you can act on the sound (louder bass, music seems cleaner...)
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    Guy fawkes, the guy from, post on his site some screenshot from his new project, a Winds-up like... Looks like a good start, even if it doesn't feature new things... Apparently he's looking for help for this... If someone is interested...
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    Logic/(Realtime)Strategy games

    It's why the game's name is Lone 32 ;)
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    Pinball Dreams

    Yep, exactly, still waiting for an english version of MEGAGP GNNNNnNNNnNnnnNnN :angry: :angry:
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    GP 32, image viewer stuff questions

    The "JPEG" topic you have to seek, and the answer you will find..... :ph34r:
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    Logic/(Realtime)Strategy games

    For the board games, you can find some in the download section : - Connect 4 - Flip It (Othello, but crash at start on some gp32) - LK GO (japanese GO board game, but only for 2 players).. I've explained the rules in the comments from the hando's news about the release... - Lone 32 (Abalone...
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    Low battery leads to crashing!

    Yep, allready well-known fact, so now i've got two set of batteries, one old for normal apps and the another brand new for high apps... tricky, but...
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    You can now download now Arcano v1.0 at a cool Arcanoid-like but with screen at 90° !! Nice grafx in 16 bits... Thanks to the author, Franz, for this contribution...
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    Pinball Dreams

    Don't care about what ?
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    Lik Sang EUROPE ?

    Well, it's more than only the senders adress, there's really written on the box "Lik Sang Europe", so i've try the url :, and it works !! (well, relink to, but...) What i mean, it's not about the price (i've ordered my games from lik sang HK, so no...
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    Lik Sang EUROPE ?

    A strange thing happened to me today, i've ordered two games to lik sang (Hany party and Gpfight, great games... in my view) and received them today from Lik Sang... EUROPE, Deustchland, Lindau... :blink: If every stuff is now post by this way things gonna be easier, faster and cheaper (minor...
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    Pinball Dreams

    I'm quite sure that the game is encrypted for working only on your own GP32 when you download it (you have to be register with your gp32ID as for freelauncher) ... So it can't work... :(
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    emulator game saves

    Merci beaucoup Joseph, so i don't have to repeat it.... ;)