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    The Epic Adveture Of Milton

    A couple weeks ago I lunched a Iphone Game called 'The Epic Adveture of Milton' you can see Here I also have a cool trailer for it hereHere (Mods if you could help me embed the video that would be cool.). I want to try and gauge how much community interest there would be if I would port it to...
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    Do You Think The 3Ds Will Be Able Run Homebrew?

    I read the following articles today: They were kind of light on details and what sort of protection the 3DS would deploy. Does anyone have more details or care to...
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    The New Dingo A330
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    Dingoo Help Downloading Compiler For Dingux

    Hello I been trying to download the MIPS compiler for Linux dingoo (mipseltools-gcc412-glibc261.tar.bz2) mentioned on the google code dingux page. The website has the compiler but the download is so slow (5-10k) and I have a...
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    Meego What do you think of MeeGO?
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    Emulators On A Media Center Pc

    Does anybody here have much experience with media center pc’s. I was thinking about buying or building a media center pc’s. I want the media center PC for emulations and other things such as blue ray, DVR, playing media files, Netflix, Hulu, YouTube, ect. This forum seems like a knowledgeable...
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    Game Artist Wanted

    Is there any one in these forums with artistic talent that would be interested in collaborating with me a xna community game. I am a solid programmer but lack any type of art skills. I am making a game in the style of the Mario 3 mine game. I have a demo of my the game at...
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    Where Did The Boxy Sprit Come Form

    I was looking though the Pandora file archive and I saw this sprite called Boxy. I though it was a really cool sprite. I was wondering if any one knows where it came from and who made and where I can find similar sprites that are linseed in a way to include in a game.
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    Boot Time

    I was watching the video of the Pandora on you tube and I was quite sure but it seemed to take a little bit of time to boot up. As a gp2x user one of the frustrating things about using it is was the boot time. Does anybody have any idea on the boot time of a Pandora? Thanks
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    Distributing Commercial Games

    After Reading some of the posts about Commercial games I am curious to know how commercial games would be distributed. Is there be some central download serves being planned? What about DRM?
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    Firmware 4.0 Question

    I got I Quick question can someone answer for me. Can I upgrade from Firmware 2.x to 4.0 without any problems on my f-100.
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    Throw In The Towel

    I have had a gp2x for about a year and a half now and I am about ready to throw in the towel. Don't get me wrong the GP2X has a lot of strengths but I find the battery life just does not cut it. (I know I could have a better charger that that could help my batteries last longer.) It is really...
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    The Inquirer Reviews The Gp2x
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    Gizmodo mentions that the gp2x is coming to the usa. What that means exactly I have no idea. But you can read about it hear
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    Thumb Pad

    Hello, I have been reading your forms for some time and thinking about getting a gp2x, and was wondering, does any one have any idea when the new thumb pad will come out. Is the thumb pad worth it to wait on buying one. any reply would be great
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    New Joy Stick

    does any one have a idea of the date when the gp2x with the new joystick will be released. would this be a worth waiting to buy one
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    What Is The Diffrence Between The 1 And 2 Versions

    hey i am new to this form and i was what is the diffrence between the 1 and 2 versions of the gp2x. is there any plans for a version 3??