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  1. myNewUsername

    Want to contribute on geocaching project for pyra? C++, qtquick

    So .. I will buy the Pyra and i do geocaching. I started on a project for and have realized i will not get it done anytime soon with the current rate of progress.. Work and kids priority etc. It is written in QT quick because of all the useful libraries. And graphics. I have c++ and embedded...
  2. myNewUsername

    Anyone used the pandora for Geocaching?

    Because the pandora is nice and portable, and geocaching requires just that - has anyone tried it? I have placed a few caches, and used the pandora only for taking notes but the potential is bigger. For example locating caches (usb/BT GPS receiver), calculating a position from several...
  3. myNewUsername

    Reverse ssh setup for pandora/pyra hw security.

    I just want to share a cool setup i tried out, inspired by some random youtube video. It is possibly relevant for other op/p owners who wants better odds of getting lost/stolen device back. Experiment: So i have this laptop (think op/p) and a stationary. I can imagine that i will bring the...
  4. myNewUsername

    Backligth color = modifier key?

    Will the Pyra have RGB backlight? I have been reading a bit in the keyboard layout thread, and came to think of having rgb backlight can help users find the symbol they want (if printed). imagine that that the modifier keys and their respective  key prints have different colors, and the...
  5. myNewUsername

    Case color

    Has the color(s) for the pyra case been decided yet? I have seen photos of flashy red and blue case parts.. Will it come in more dicrete colors so I can use it in public as well? And also not make it look like a pimped DS? Lykurgos
  6. myNewUsername

    Release date, three point estimate

    Hi, first I must tell you how much I appreciate the work you and others (including community) has done to let me own a gaming gaming handheld with such great personality. and also for selling me the video cable I never got around to make myself. I am going to order the Pyra as soon as it is...