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  • Users: mclien
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  1. mclien


    Leider funktioniert (zumindest bei mir) der Discord login nicht. Daher die Frage hier. Mit was für Zeiten sollte ich momentan rechnen zwischen Zahlungseingang und versenden für Lagerware? gruß mclien
  2. mclien

    bullseye-5-install, not really

    I just tried a run on that yesterday. Install went fine as did the first setup. Setting up the WiFi connection worked, too. I also managed to install audacious. Not with synaptic, though, that resulted in an error every tie I tried the "apply" button, but apt from cli worked. The sound with...
  3. mclien

    Sales prepre Order #175

    OK I finally think at least the 2nd Pyra is used better by someone else. While I still not sure to keep mine, I am sure the the one originally planned for my son is not needed anymore (for me old man 6 years is still a wait, but to wait from 16 to 22 is a bit too much stretch, I guess). So since...
  4. mclien

    question to the audio system I never understood

    Maybe I was missing something. But I do not understand why there is any need of more than one audio stream on a device like the Pyra. Or is it the case, that you can't simply get an ScO that offers something like that?
  5. mclien

    Any reason to keep going? (for me, not in general)

    OK, first I really do love this project and all the ideas behind it. That's why I supported it quite a bit (the pixelwall, the rings, 2 pre-pre orders). I also know, that my use case is not the one for most of you. So what was my intention/use case for the pyra? Basically: Not needing a small...
  6. mclien

    Audio via headset

    I got mine yesterday. Set it up and updated the system. I understand that the automatic switch from speaker to headset/-phones isn't working yet. But plugging in the headset, I instantly have some static noise. Music still running on speakers. at first I had no luck with the pavucontrol, but...
  7. mclien

    Which Hardware Licence?

    I know we had that somewhere already, but I -can't find it -don't know to which extent. I do know it was ment to allow any non commercial use in any case, but commercial use only with license-fee/ only with permission. Does anybody know, which license it will be? (CC or something else?)
  8. mclien

    re-adding members to a conersation?

    I started a conversation with several members. After a while one participant accidentally left the conversation. strange thing: - the member is still listed participants list, but can't read it anymore - I can add the member again (at least I'm not getting an error), but still no change Any...
  9. mclien

    the other Mainboard

    reading the thoughts about a bare mainboard and the Pyra-Phone ideas, I couldn't help to think about my old idea of having a Pyra in side the old Palm3 cases and the foldable keyboard for that: Here are my rough thoughts to that: - case is easy enough to...
  10. mclien

    how to hide an image in spoiler

    Hi I just wanted to post a pic inside the spoiler function only to recognize that, if I upload the image it is shown as uploaded image outside the spoiler anyway. Who do I avooid that?
  11. mclien

    My Precious

    I finally had timeto do a special for mainly @Splintercat who first came up with it and some who also liked the idea like @DrHAX and @rygD. It's not final, more a proof of concept, but be warned: only those of the fellowship who have proven strong willed should open the spoiler to see the one...
  12. mclien

    recent blender/3D files?

    Are there Blender (or other 3d, step, iges) files available right now. Most important at the moment the lit including the Logo plate? I need them to discuss a modification idea with hns. (I won't mind to get them as PM, if @EvilDragon would like to hold them closed until launch)
  13. mclien

    evil captcha for forum registration?

    Some question/hint I got via another forum about the registration process here in the forum. It seems the used caütcha might be a unfortune decission: Can some of you web/security/programmer wizards shed some...
  14. mclien

    LCD interface communitation: Which is delivered by the CPU board directly?

    I stumbled across this project on hackaday: After making contact with the guy he is considering to use the Pyra CPU board there. His first question was which interface is used to communicate with the LCD/ video is broke out to the CPU board connectors? (I...
  15. mclien

    Type of case for futur docking station?

    I did a little talk with ED at "lange Nacht der Computerspiele" about the future docking station. As everybody learned so far, injection molds are quite expensive, so the question is: Do we need a injectin molded case for a docking station? My point of view is, we don't. I 'd say the ideal...
  16. mclien

    Making a carbon case?

    I have some experience with a mold for carbon/glass fiber: As you can see if wou read through the project write up, it was quite a run to get it working. I have some parts of the Pandora case lying around and thought it trough a...
  17. mclien

    [Sold] Pandora 1Ghz

    SOLD OK here I offer my Pandora 1Ghz version, just flashed today with 1.72.included: - the Pandora (some scratches at the batterylit, rest in really good conditions. No cracks, mostly scratchfree, no deep ones at least) --- no issues with touch/nubs, as far as I can prove (but I...
  18. mclien

    32c3 Talk. Need a bit of support

    So I was brave and put up something at the CfP of 32c3, which to my own surprise was accepted. The talk started as an vague idea to tell something about open hardware (namely about the Pandora/Pyra) and how to make it happen. After a bit of conversation with the guys of 32c3, I ended up to make...
  19. mclien

    General Keyboard Design/ Layout questions

    I'm not reading the forum on daily basis, so please excuse any "not read" stuff from me. What I'm wondering about layout is the following: Basicly the function of the keys is software. So will there be an easy way to customize the layout? (as I know the "good old xmodmap" is obsolete by now?)...
  20. mclien

    Pandora as monitoring server?

    as I just read that OMD ( ) has a raspberriPi version now (, i came up with the idea to use my old Pandora classic for that. here is the rought idea: - installing pandebian - using he mentioned...