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  • Users: DynaMight
  • Content: Threads
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  1. D

    First Edition Gp2X: Worth Much?

    Hi guys   So the story goes, I pre-ordered a GP2X back in the day, one for me and one for my brother. I loved mine and basically upgraded to the Pandora (when they eventually made them :) ). He didnt use his as much and I have it now.   It's a first edition with box & manual, not sure if it...
  2. D

    Pandora for sale with extras. Good clocker.

  3. D

    Pandora Pandora Stress Test

    I think a program to stress test the Pandora would be nice, especially to find the safe limits of overclocking.
  4. D

    Jxd 301 For Sale

    JXD 301 - It's a small handheld PMP unit. It has 2GB built in and accepts SD cards upto 4GB, it will play all your Xvid/Divx movies, MP3's, pictures and even NES, SNES, Sega Mega Drive, Game Boy Classic, Game Boy Advanced and Neo Geo games. The screen really is amazing. Comes with...
  5. D

    Will You Be Disappointed If The Pandora Is Not Perfect In Every Way?

    All this bashing of how the Wiz is going to be flawed and the software is going to be buggy but no-one even seems to assume the Pandora is going to be anything except perfect, not a single issue hardware and software wise. Please dont take this the wrong way, I am not bashing the efforts of...
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    Your Favorite Gba Games?

    Go on guys, list your fav games for us who havent played many.
  7. D

    Windows 95 Running On The Gp2x A good laugh :)
  8. D

    For Those Who Have Tried To Upgrade To V1.01

    If you have tried to upgrade to v1.01 but couldnt flash the img part due to SD problems and did upgrade the .gpu part then found that the videos didnt work then this may help you out. I have hacked together this, It basically copies back over the original v1.0 Video/Music players and Ebook...
  9. D

    Whats Your Gp2x Version/serial Number?

    It seems theres different versions. Mine says: 2005.11.14 - GP2XV200 - 00000009 (I guess thats the 9th one made on the 14th Nov) but I've seen peope posting S/N's that say GP2XV102, Is this just one with the updated firmware? or does it have any hardware changes? Also mine doesnt say anything...
  10. D

    Firmware Wishlist

    I've been playing with my GP2X most of the day and and theres certainly stuff I feel it can do with, Hopefully GPH already have most of the stuff I'm going to suggest in the pipeline anyway 1) Better battery low warnings, Maybe a warning pop-up when batteries are going below 5-10%, or even the...
  11. D

    Some Stuff I Made For People Waiting For The Gp2x!

    Had a quiet day so I've been messing about on the PC, I made a GP2X Icon with Autorun ready to be copied onto your SD cards. Download it here: I also made (copied) a GP2X. It's here: May interest some people. God, I'm bored :(