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  • Users: scazw
  • Content: Threads
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  1. S

    Remember Me?

    Was clearing out my closet and found my beloved gp32 and thought hey havnt been on gp32x for about 3 years lol!
  2. S

    Ipod Mini's In The Uk?

    ok ok so i personally HATE the ipod......meanwhile my sister loves them and has her heart set on a pink ipod mini for christmas. one problem they have been discontinued and EVERYWHERE is out of stock! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE help me find one for my sister. thanks.
  3. S

    What Happened To My Mem Stick?

    erm ok so ive benn using my psp for all sorts of homebrew and emus in the last couple of weeks with no problems............. yet when i turn my psp on this afternoon BAM! "There Is No Memory Stick Inserted" so what the hell happened? ive lost everything including all of my psp gamesaves and...
  4. S

    Official Psp Backgrounds Thread

    hey i thought it was aboout time we shared our Psp backgrounds because im sure people have been making them by now! (although prob with paintshop pro or gimp or something lol not mspaint) here is an attempt at a gp32x one i made lol yes it was cut out and made in mspaint and here is one i...
  5. S

    Psp Ooverclocking?

    hmm i was just wondering if any tests have been done to check if oc'n to 333 is actually that safe. i know its stable and also apparantly the psp is underclocked to 222 and 333 is its true normal speed. maybe its just the way psp emus mzh digits go from white to yellpoow and then to red at...
  6. S

    Multifirmware Help

    hey i want to use aquafishes multifirmware to ma ke one with eurofirmware pacrom and slubmans so basicly replacing windups/yafl with slubmans is this possible? could someone please explain this to me or perhaps someone has already achived(sp) this thanx scazw EDIT: or should i just give in...
  7. S

    Smc Images

    is there any way to get files back from a smc image because i used one with geepee but now i dont have a copy of my dott savestates :( is there any way to get them back at all?
  8. S

    Speed Problems

    hey when i rip dvd's they always come out not only in 2 parts but at about half thier normal playing speed why why why i use dvd dycrypter to rip them and the directly encode the vobs with virtualdubmod which works bar the above mentioned problems goddammit
  9. S


    yo can you flash yafl without aquafish's firmware or should i just use slubmans firmware which does look ultra kool :blink: EDIT: just flashed slubman's fw and it rooooocks respect to him
  10. S

    Ogg Vorbis Converter

    lol can someone please link me to a converter for ogg please :D
  11. S

    Controller Mod

    yo i see that mashmods has stopped gp32 stuff altogether but i want a controller mod to use a snes pad as a controller.does anybody know of any tutorials for this because i would imagine it is relitivly simple to perform myself. thanks in advance ~scazw~
  12. S

    Amiga Cd32 And Others

    right i have been meaning to sell for a very long time an amiga cd32 complete with the vid and power lead and a also features several games: chuck rock 1+2, zool 2, lotus challenge trilogy and somthing i cant remember and a couple of demo discs, i also have a spectrum mark 2.0 but...
  13. S

    Chatboard Apps

    of course i know of the frotz release and of the castaway compatability but i thought there were others as well including a word processor? any idea, linkz would be helpful. thnx
  14. S


    yo where is the best place to buy a chat board from beacuse i dont think i can be bothered to make one lol well other than gbax anyway?
  15. S

    Good Genesis Rpgs

    i can remember that shining force did not run on a previous version of fgen32 but does it now also i would like to know if the phantasy star seris run on it and any other rpgs that are recommended ;)
  16. S

    .mov Converter

    Anybody know where i can find a .mov converter i dont mind if its to avi of mpeg or what thanks ~scazw~
  17. S

    Mtl Slug3 On Xbox

    hey does anybody know if metal slug 3 for xbox will see a uk pal release because i know its in america some time soon. also im considering modding an xbox and have heard kawaks x runs all of the slug's at full speed with sound can anybody confirm this at all or would it be best to use a more...
  18. S

    Sam Fisher Torrent Site?

    any body got any idea if the torrent site is down or if my comp is buggered thanx in advance :ph34r: ~scazw~ :ph34r:
  19. S

    Msn Messenger?!?

    hey all no doubt there has been many a topic like this before but hey who uses msn messenger and wants to wing us thier address mines so add me it would be nice to talk to some foriegn fellow gp32'ers online lol sorry if this topic has been covered many times before
  20. S

    Smc Problem

    B) hey B) when i try to use my smc in a card reader it has an error. whenever i try to add or remove anthing it states there is a :blink: "cyclic redundency check" :( has anybody else had this problem. its worked fine up untill now. :D thanx :D