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  • Users: Magellan
  • Content: Threads
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  1. M

    Gp32 Flu On Ebay

    If anyone is interested, I just listed my GP32Flu on ebay with games and accessories. I have a chatboard, 10 SMC cards (128Mb), many retail games, 2RF connectors, and an extra red joystick cap.
  2. M

    Best Gbc Emultor?

    I noticed there are 5 GB/GBC emulators in the download section. Which is the best? What are the differences?? Thanks for any help!
  3. M

    Replacing Joystick

    I can't remember which game I bought (Her Knights maybe) but it came with a red joystick. I was going to swap it with the joystick the GP32 came with, but I am afraid to pry on it to hard and break something. Has anyone replaced theirs yet??
  4. M

    Aquafish Firmware Frying Usb Hub

    I just flashed with the new Aquafish, and now when I plug the GP32 into my USB hub, the lights go haywire, and I get a mesage about a power surge to the hub. No problem before. When I unplug the cable, the end plugged into the GP32 is hot to the touch.
  5. M

    How Much Data On 128 Meg Card??

    How much data will actually fit on a 128 meg card? I heard it is about 120 megs, anyone know for sure?
  6. M

    Email Or Web Browser For Gp32?

    I was just wondering since you can get an IR add-on for the GP32, do they make an email or web app for it? I used to use my Palm m105 with IR to mobile phone to do this. Mark
  7. M

    Mp3 Player Freezes

    I have about 15 mp3's on my SMC, and when I start the built in mp3 player, it sees all of the songs, but freezes as soon as I try to play one. They all are encoded at 64k.
  8. M

    Newbie Needs Help

    I just got a GP32 and 2 games. I have a 128 meg SMC card, and I was wondering if I could copy the games from the cards they came on to my 128 meg card? That way I do not need to swap cards all the time. Also, how do I copy files to the GP32? I d/l a divx player, and I cant seem to copy to...