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  • Users: matt101
  • Content: Threads
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  1. M

    Windows 7 Problems

    Hi guys, I know it's a bit odd posting a windows 7 question here, but if I post on a place like tomshardware my thread will be lost within a day and go unanswered which has already happened to me twice. Now i'm going to explain my problem- please don't say use linux because I already do, but I...
  2. M

    Bricked Wiz

    Hi guys i've been meaning to send my wiz off to the gph aftersales center, but the truth is I dont really need my wiz anymore. So I am going to sell it soon, i will be selling it as soon as possible (through ebay using paypal). I would like about £40 for it because it is in great nic apart from...
  3. M

    Wiz Bricked (I Think)

    Sigh... My wiz bricked about a month or two back when firmware 1.2.6 came out and since then I have been quite busy and haven't had the time to fix it. But as of now I have time and would really appreciate it if somone coul help me fix it. It basically boots to a black screen. This happend due...
  4. M

    Haalppp! Mehh!

    I managed to install and setup arch linux absolutely fine and it is working fine. But when i ran the command # pacman -S kde it started installing fine then my sceen went off, so my natural reaction was to hit the spacebar... This then stopped one of the packages installing at 88%, so i won't...
  5. M

    Urgently Need Help

    As the only caanoo reseller in the uk, i had to pre-order my caanoo from But my xbox 360 just broke, so i have asked my dad to get me the new xbox 360 instead (It's my birthday on the 28th). But after looking at this I am really...
  6. M

    Wanting To Develop....

    I've been wanting to develop for the wiz/caanoo for a while now, and it seems c++ is the best language to use for programming on them. But I don't know what to do so i can learn the language. I don't mind buying a few books or so, but i just want the fastest and what you think is the best...
  7. M

    What Shall I Do?

    Hey guys i haven't posted in a while, and i've been itching to ask you guys a question. My birthday is coming up and i will have around £250 to spend on something. I have narrowed it down to a few things but cannot decide what... First up is getting a caanoo- my wiz is great but unlike others...
  8. M

    The Wiz Screen

    I've had my wiz for a while now and noticed the the screen is kinda grainy- is this just how it is, or is it a fault with my wiz? It only looks grainy when solid colours are displayed though, a fast response would be much appreciated. Thanks!
  9. M

    Wiz Programming

    For a long time i've been taking from the wiz community without giving anything back, and i would love to start creating programmes/ ports for the wiz, but i have no idea where to start. Could somone point me in the right direction or even make a small tutorial for me, just to get me going. I...
  10. M

    Help! Win2X Problem- I Think?

    OK, i'm new to these boards so first of all hi! But what i'm really here for is something odd happenning since i uninstalled win2x. after uninstalling it it went to the original frontend (or whatever its called) and displayed the date and for some reason it was set to 1970 (although it changed...