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  • Users: Vimacs
  • Content: Threads
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  1. V

    [V] Pandora - neu - OVP - Auktion

    Hallo, Mein geliebter Pandora wird nun endlich am 4. eintreffen laut ups. Leider werde ich mich schweren Herzens direkt wieder von ihm trennen müssen, da ich derzeit das Geld dringender brauche. Mir ist zwar klar das ich auf ebay wohl einen besseren Preis erzielen könnte, doch würde er dort...
  2. V

    Egoboo Cramfs

    I got annoyed by the 130mb egoboo took on my sd card so heres a version where all the data files are compressed with the magical cramfs. Its only 12mb now. download Pleas leave some feedback if/how it runs. all hail for the magic orkie for the magical magicnes he is.
  3. V

    Verkaufe/Tausche geforce 6600gt pci-e von gainward.

    Hallo, Ich möchte meine geforce 6600gt pci-e von Gainward Modell "Ultra/1960PCX XP" verkaufen. ich hätte gerne 60€ dafür, neupreis ist derzeit immernoch über 100€. Die karte selbst sieht aus wie neu und funktioniert einwandfrei. Dabei ist außerdem PowerDVD 5 MUVEE autoProducer 3 Die...
  4. V

    Selling 6600gt Pci-e From Gainward

    Hi there, Im ashamed to post that here as I really don't think its aright place, but im young and need the money. :-) I'm selling my 6600gt pci-e on ebay right now to get money for a new router, Its as good as new and always did a good job in my rig. So if someone is interested pleas buy it on...
  5. V

    Xgp News From Gp32spain

    Rlyeh pointed out that there is some gpx info from e3 by xan_vision in the gp32spain forums at. Here are the pictures, and a raw translation by rlyeh.
  6. V

    Whats The Best Dreamcast Game?

    Danmn, why can you only have 3*15 choices? :-/ Sorry that i cant list all games form the other topic :-( vote anyway..
  7. V

    Gp32 für 67.51 EUR bei liksang

    Liksang verkloppen wohl ihre restlichen gp32 für knapp 70€, wenn jemand noch keinen hat ist das zu dem preis ein absuluter pflichkauf! nlu 70€ flu 76€...
  8. V

    Open Ttd For Gp2x

    zodttd just ported openttd (RIGHT THATS TRANSPORT TYCOON!) to the gp2x, iam dieing right now, is that hot or what? :-) WOOOHOOO.,0,0,0,29,924 If the one who did it reads that, you are a damn genious, i love you and so on, this is one of my favurite...
  9. V

    Gp2x Stereo Fix Auto Starter

    !WARNING MAY BRICK YOUR GP2X gp2X! This little script replaces the gp2xmenu with a shellscript that launches nk's stereo fix before starting the menu. It have been tested by an anonymous coward and seems to work for him. It haves now also eb testet by rob and definitely works, yay. :-) Dont...
  10. V


    *freu* also das design ist toll, das schwarz siht wesentlich edler aus als auf den meisten fotos, der screen ist einfach umwerfend, wow :-)
  11. V

    File Archive

    Wieso ist im file archive quake unter interpretern, Sollte das nicht unter ports sein?
  12. V

    Gp2x video torrent tracker

    Wie wäre es mit einem Torrent tracker für in gp2x gerechtes format konvertierte public domain filme? bei gibt es eine recht große auswahl. Könntest du sowas einrichten ed? Ein guter php basierender tracker ist z.b. Wenn dein server auchnoch mitseeden...
  13. V

    Liksang On Gp2x

    Liksang just posted a news item about gp2x, they will have it in stock for 179.90$. Nice to hear that Liksang is doing Business with Gamepark again, and thair ads will help makeing it more popular for sure.
  14. V

    Gpx2 Link Collection The Gamepark GPX2 media player (english) Vorstellung des GPX2 (german) Handheld gaming device, media player runs Linux (english) Pleas post...
  15. V

    Post Your Nintendo Revultution Pics.

    Well, i just gone out and bought a N:REV from our jap import dealer. Here is a pic, do you like it? Go out and also buy one and make pictures of it!
  16. V

    Firtst Emulator On Psp!

    LOOK Its a gb© emu! download/screenshot at
  17. V

    Samsung "arm No Mmu"

    forget it, i am nearly as stupid as don could this be intresting for us? "LinuxDevices has a story about the Samsung Miniket, a digital camcorder the size of a pack of cards that also works as a portable MP3 player, webcam, voice recorder, storage device, and more. The Miniket (annoying Flash...
  18. V

    Fenix Games Collection

    Collection of 24 Fenix Games by oggy from Resorted for gp32 by me thanks to donskeeto for hosting (17mb) you need 7-zip to unpack it
  19. V

    What Happend? :-(

    where are you, what happend? :-(
  20. V

    How To Mod A Chatboard, Where To Get The Conenctor

    I Wanted to build some of the things for selling but never get around to finally do it, so here is the list i have collected. The samsung a300 datacable seems to be the cheapest way. CHA-01 and CHA-10 are the only working chatboards for the gp, you can get them cheap at ebay for about 1eur, and...