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  • Users: hells_dark
  • Content: Threads
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  1. hells_dark

    Pandora Screenshots

    Hi, Well, here is a classic. Show us your pandora desktop ! Or skinned menu, or anything as long as it's a screenshot from a pandora :) :pandora2ut4: Here is a guide from SomeGuy99 showing how to take screenshots.
  2. hells_dark

    What About Moblin On The Pandora ?

    What do you think about moblin ?
  3. hells_dark

    What Will Be The First Application You Will Install/launch ?

    I know this kind of topic have been done a lot of time. But the time is long and i want to keep being optimistic Mine will probably be : 1 firefox 2 comix 3 mplayer 4 pandasnes 5 psx4pandora
  4. hells_dark


    What do you think about jolicloud ? > And what about jolicloud on the pandora ? Do you think the screen would be too small ? :)
  5. hells_dark

    Which Icon Set

    Hi :) When i get a new device, one of the first thing i do is making it mine. So, which icons will you use ? Let's try to theme it before we get it ^^' The main icons coud be : Multimedia - video - sound Games - an icon for each emulator - an icon for the global frontend Internet -...
  6. hells_dark

    What Is Your Worst Fear About The Pandora ?

    Just a simple question in order to spend some time :) Mine is simply not to receive mine (because i put a totally wrong address while ordering). Or receive it broken ^^' What's your nightmare ? :)
  7. hells_dark

    Gtk/qt Themes

    I was just wondering.. Since the pandora runs linux, a lot of programs, that will be ported, will probably be in gtk or qt. But the default theme in (i.e) gtk is ugly.. It was just a stupid (maybe because it's late here and i'm tired) remark.. But what do you think about it ? :huh: (of...
  8. hells_dark

    Where Is The New Enhanced Gmenu2x Discussion ?

    Hey, I'd like to know what will be the new functions of gmenu2x, and i don't understand why i see nowhere a debate on his enhancements. If a topic (that i didn't find) exists, can i have a pointer ? What will be the icons size ? If no topic actually exist, why not start the debate ? :unsure:
  9. hells_dark

    The pandora pics and vids topic

    Why not gather all the videos and pics of the pandora into one topic ? p&|a :lol: Go ! PICS Pandora Render A pandora pic VIDS PSX 4 Pandora Pandora running Ubuntu 8.04 and Firefox 3 Pandora running Ubuntu 8.04 Pandora... Pandora running an amiga emulator Galacon Command Game on Pandora...
  10. hells_dark

    How easy will be the wifi usage ?

    Will we have a kind of wifi list ? Click / what is WEP/WPA/other key / enjoy the web ? What do we know ?
  11. hells_dark

    Release The pandor interface (gmenu2x)

    Since the graphic interface is an important point for the pandora image, we should talk more about what it will be. What do you think about it ?
  12. hells_dark

    Default storage

    Do i have to buy SD card too in order to make full use of the device ?
  13. hells_dark

    A Touch Screen ?

    So the pandora has got a touch screen ? How about its sensitivity ? What do you think about it ? p&|a Edit : this topic should be moved to hardware, sorry.
  14. hells_dark


    Let's say hello each other ^_^ p&|a