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  • Users: washo
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  1. W


    Hey, After much thoughts about it, I decided to cancel my Pandora I ordered in Oct 2009, so I guess I was around 3500+ which means another 2-3 months waiting And I just don't think I want to wait that long I wish you all the best
  2. W

    How Much Would You Buy...

    P4D 940 3.2GHz dual core with Zalman CNPS 9500AT ASUS P5WDG2-WS 2GB PC6400 Crutial tech low timings (4-4-4-15) Sapphire X1900XT with Artic cooling accelero X2 DVD burner NEC dual layer 2x 250GB maxtor with 16MB cache SATA2 in RAID0 Everything in a Li Lian PC-60B with the card reader very low...
  3. W


    Hi, I'm kind of in dire straits so I'm looking for selling my GP2X It is an MK2 bought less than 1 year ago, always used with a screen protector on it. it comes with a 2GB SanDisk Ultra, the TV out cable, the official case, 3plugs if you want to make you own USB cable, my 1st (and only) attempt...
  4. W

    Overclock Ok

    Hi all just a little word to say that I managed to clock my P4D 940 (3.2GHz) @ 4231MHz (I increased the FSB from 200MHz to 264MHz with RAM being at 440 ... something like 10:6 ratio) The boost is really noticeable and that really helps playing STALKER :D For info here my config: P4D 940...
  5. W

    Usb Gamepad

    what do you think of that? sounds pretty good for me ! could be used to play alsmost everything that supports USB see you :lol:
  6. W

    Scsi & Raid0

    Hello, I was browsing on ebay when I found good prices on SCSI HDD I though...that could be good to have 15K for OS Im already running a 2*250G SATA2 RAID0 but Im sure performances would be greater. If I were to take a dual chan card like adaptec 39320, would it be possible to create a RAID0...
  7. W

    Skies Of Arcadia

    Hello I have the Pal version of the game and it wont boot with the VGA box As I dont have TV at home I cant play that game and I would like too I heard that the NTSC version is playable on VGA Can someone send me the main EXE of the game '1ST_READ.BIN' as well as a listing of the files in ROOT...
  8. W

    Zaurus Sl-c1000

    -------------------- EDIT: NEW PRICE ______________ Special discount only for GP32X members 300€ instead of 330€ Hello all, Im selling my C1000 which was barely used no dead pixels or problems like that I dont think I will ever be able to use linux correctly This is a wonderful piece of...
  9. W

    Just Ordered My New Pda

    hi all After 2 years with a dell axim X30 624MHz, I decided to change a little. I will be soon using a C1000 from sharp little description: photo here: PXA270 @ 416MHz (OC up to 624) 64 RAM 128 ROM Linux kernel 2.4 (2.6 is available with another ROM)...
  10. W

    Looking Rof A Game

    Hi, I played a lot a game involving cowboys in a western like place. You could throw dynamite I also remember something about cows..maybe it was to jump over to avoid cows... I was like cadillac and dinosaurs Thanks for your time see you :lol:
  11. W

    Video In Software

    Hello, I have a x1900xt VIVO card and I want to play dreamcast on my LCD screen using the video in function Im looking for a good software that would allow me to play without prob. I have tryed using virtualdub but it is not really to watch but only to record thanks for your time see you :lol:
  12. W

    Sony Sucks

    Hi, I bought in may a 19" LCD from Sony After a while I noticed a white 'dead' pixel at the very center of the screen I took a closer look and realised it was not a dead pixel but a problem between 2 pixels I called Sony for a new one They said "Ok, np" 1st they sent a 17" after 2weeks. Of...
  13. W

    Joypad Support

    Hi all, I've just finished building my 1st USB host cable and I was wondering if it would be possible to add a joypad support to open source emulators (DrMD, SNES, ...) It could be wonderfull to add the possibility to have 2 players on the same handheld: the 1st one using the GP2X and the other...
  14. W

    Micro Gamepad Usb

    Hi all, I found that: It is available with a mini stick or a mini pad, 10 buttons (but I cant count that much so maybe the Dpad is making 4 out of the 10) 50*20*44mm when carrying / 100*10*44mm when open could be great if MAME or Neogeo work with that and...
  15. W

    Gb/gbc Emu Status?

    Hello, I would like to have some informations about GBc emu It seems that ZIP support isnt OK, and no new version for a while If I remember correctly GBc emulation was far from being perfect (anyway, it can always be better) I'm not critisizing coders because I can't code anything...(except a...
  16. W

    Tv Out Zoomed

    Hello, I have my GP2X for 4 days and Im already impressed by it But, when I used the TV out cable (got at the same time that GP2X) I have a zoomed image on my TV for eg, the main screen is not showing full. Icons for video and ebook are troncated as well as photo and system. (that is for...
  17. W


    Hi all, I would like to know before (if) I buy about current emulators status. I'm mostly interrested in SNES, NES GB/GBC & Genesis GameGear/SMS. PSX would be great as GBA but enough wonderful games on SNES to keep me far away from iddleness ;) How those emu are working? fullspeed with sound...
  18. W

    Gp32 Flu (166mhz) + Extras

    Hi all, I have to get rid of my GP32 Kind of dire strait now so can't keep her GP32 comes with -official bag (from entware) -2 SMC's (128M each) -RF module GP32 can OC up to around 170 with AC/DC adaptor and can reach 166MHz with fresh batteries I think 100€ is OK for everything see you :lol:
  19. W

    Making A Website

    Hi all, I have to make a website with a friend for his father The site is about selling houses with price, phone number, photos... the father is running a estate agency and he needs a website to improve his sell So that sound quite easy to do but he wants to be able to add by himself new offers...
  20. W

    Rheobus / Fan Controller

    Hi all! I have now about 8 fans inside my PC and Im looking for a rheobus that would allow me to control all of them (in fact a 4 fans controller system is enough because they are all paired) I need something like 10W per channel with a 4pins molex for 12V DC in and of course 4 3pins DC