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  • Users: chris
  • Content: Threads
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  1. chris

    Dingoo A320 mit OVP, Zubehör + 8GB Mini-SD

    Hallo, ich möchte meinen Dingoo A320 in weiß mit OVP, Zubehör und 8GB Mini-SD-Karte und installiertem Dingux (dual boot) verkaufen. Er ist ca. 2 Jahre alt. Das Gerät ist absolut neuwertig. Ich habe es nur am Anfang ganz kurz benutzt und seitdem liegt es im Schrank. 65€ inkl. Versand. Gruß...
  2. chris


    Verkauft ihr auch das iControlPad? Möchte mir es aufgrund der Versandkosten ungerne aus England bestellen.
  3. chris

    Rechter Lautsprecher defekt?

    An der unteren Seite des Dingoos sind ja zwei Lautsprecher, allerdings funktioniert bei mir nur der linke Lautsprecher. Der rechte Lautsprecher ist entweder komplett aus, oder sehr sehr leise was ich leider schwer feststellen kann, da der linke Lautsprecher ja noch Töne macht. Hat jemand das...
  4. chris

    N64 Emulator?

    Hallo, wäre der Dingoo von der Leistung in der Lage N64 Spiele abzuspielen? Gruß Chris
  5. chris

    Probleme mit GBC / GBA / MD - Findet keine Spiele

    Hallo, ich habe seit Dienstag einen Dingoo A320 und habe nun folgende Probleme. - Habe mehrere .gen ROMs in einen Ordner gepackt, allerdings erscheint immer die Meldung, dass er keine Dateien findet - Habe mir den GBC Emulator runtergeladen und die .sim Datei in den GAMES Ordner gepackt...
  6. chris


    My Dingoo is on the way but unfourtenatly it got stuck in customs and now I'm patiently waiting. Just now I stumbled upon the wiki page of the dingoo and read that it supports flash player 6. Is it possible (or do you believe it will or could be possible) to upgrade this support to flash player...
  7. chris

    Toxicbreakfast Shite

    Nothing especially exciting here but now woogal has released the toxicbreakfast entry in the crap games compo, I've updated my site with a couple of things that have been floating around. So thrill to the Scrabble Checker which gets used a lot in toxicbreakfast towers. And just after...
  8. chris


    Off on your holidays? Taking your GP32? Of course you are! And now you can work out just how much you are wasting on cocktails and tacky souvenirs with GpKash, the foremost currency converter for the GP32! GpKash features:- * Eleven world currencies. With more possibly to maybe come...
  9. chris

    GP32 Reading From The Firmware Chip

    Two questions: 1) If I were to store data in the firmware, after the end of all the executable code, could there be any unpleasant side effects? 2) Assuming the answer to (1) is no, is there a relatively easy way of getting at it, i.e. seeking to a particular offset and reading in the data...
  10. chris

    GP32 Aquafish's Firmware Maker

    Been playing around with the Firmware maker. Haven't flashed anything yet but have constructed an .fxe according to the instructions. Basically what it does is display some text containing my name, address and phone number. Then, you press L or R to launch YAFL, A to launch the EuroFW or B to...
  11. chris


    Anyone remember playing this? Digger I used to love this as a kid. Source code is there and a few ports have been done - anyone fancy having a go?
  12. chris

    Go Find A Cat

    Announcing GpKat, the finest feline interaction tool ever to come to the GP32! Get it here There's also something about teletubbies as well, should you feel so inclined...
  13. chris

    ScummVM savegames

    Trying to play Monkey Island 2 with the ScummVM - it all works fine, so long as I use the 132MHz version but I can't work out how to save games. I hit Start to bring up the save menu, but nothing I do after that seems to actually save the game :( What am I doing wrong?