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  • Users: Night
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  1. Night

    True GameBoy Color backlit screen mod

    @Ian J According to this photo, one could assume it was because the owner didn't want to tear off the sticky insulation foam as he may have planned on reselling the unit later or something. Anyhow, there have been chinese clones of the AGS-101 screens floating around on eBay for a while. I've...
  2. Night

    True GameBoy Color backlit screen mod

    I might be late picking up on this, but i guess it's better late than never. Anyway, i recently noticed this little story about a listing on a chinese website which allegedly had a moded GameBoy Color with a true backlit screen on sale (here's a video about it from some guy on YouTube). Now...
  3. Night

    Nintendo Switch

    Some specs got published, the switch is said to be based on the Tegra X1:
  4. Night

    Sega Saturn

    Dude... performing some serious thread necromancy is enough by itself, but doing so in order to link a freaking Kotaku article out of all things :|? Anyway, here's the original video by cTrix:
  5. Night

    PsOne & Playstation 2 Slim - How to Play Import Games?

    FMCB by itself just enables you to run homebrew software with ease, mainly using the custom menu that you can now boot into (each new menu entery you'll see launches some kind of homebrew executable). In order to get stuff running, you will need to copy the ELF executables (ELF being the...
  6. Night

    i just bought earth bound! slap me in the face for being stupid...

    I like to collect old games too from time to time, i just don't see myself throwing these kind of amounts on single games. I mean, there's probably much more worthwhile things you can spend 200 bucks on at once.
  7. Night

    Sidewalk sale!

    What are your initial prices for the Genesis stuff? Do you ship overseas? Btw, by Bonk for the PS2 are you refering to this one (a.k.a Hudson Selection Vol. 3: PC Genjin)?
  8. Night

    i just bought earth bound! slap me in the face for being stupid...

    Man.. i don't know if i would pay this much for a single cartridge. Beyond the historic value of it, i never really understood why collectors throw these amounts of cash on single old games (and sometimes their mere cases). If it really came down to expensive or rare games for me, i would...
  9. Night

    Refugee Situation in Europe

    I was more refering to the following statements of yours: Now by all means, i'm not implying you should be more PC (or some other nonscene) about what you say, i just don't see how posting statements of the likes above make an educated point. To me it sounds a lot more as if you're trying to...
  10. Night

    Refugee Situation in Europe

    An infidel little bunny you may be, but if you indeed read many scriptures before you should probably know by now how to differentiate between a religion and a faith, that is.. before you go on insulting both by proxy. One is merely an institutionalized doctrine while the other is what one...
  11. Night

    Avatar artwork (Original: by Tenryu Kou (Pixiv: ...

    Avatar artwork (Original: by Tenryu Kou (Pixiv: , Twitter:
  12. Night

    Steam got hacked/glitched, accounts are accessible by anyone randomly

    That's why i said "whenever this gets resolved and the server shenanigans ceace", as in whenever it gets fixed (which should have been done already as of this post). There were people claiming that purchases have been triggured via preaproved PayPal payments, although i can't say anything solid...
  13. Night

    Steam got hacked/glitched, accounts are accessible by anyone randomly

    If you never used your Credit Card directly to pay for anything on Steam, then you probably didn't associate any info directly with your account (IIRC), de-authorizing preaproved payments with Steam through PayPal should suffice for now. Eitherway, whenever this gets resolved and the server...
  14. Night

    Steam got hacked/glitched, accounts are accessible by anyone randomly

    There's still no info about anything getting hacked (yet), so far there's just speculations about a glitch in Steam's cache servers. Eitherway, if anyone here have their bank info (via either Credit Card or PayPal) associated with Steam, i advice you to check your bank accounts. There seem to be...
  15. Night

    Volcano trying to stop the Pyra

    Hmm.. I wonder if this is going to happend everytime now. ED, did you happend to startle a witch or something?
  16. Night is going to shutdown

    @slaanesh The old boards were archived under the domain, you can find them at: Eitherway, Here's the thread you were looking for.
  17. Night


    Wait for it. Right now it's more at the point where the said drunk person just claims something apparently emberaccing and procceds to ask someone to hold his beer. If done right, i think there should be something fun emerging using the concept in this thread. So perhaps something like...
  18. Night


    If that were the case, the mods would probably be just erasing content and shadow-banning people for posting stuff (like was seen elsewhere), this looked more like a bunch of misunderstandings if you ask me. For what it's worth, what do you guys say we just drop it and carry on? @rygD...
  19. Night


    Man, no wonder people got confused. If the example itself was offensive then someone should have said it like that, the way it was phrased and discussed made me think people found the general idea behind the thread itself as offensive.. bloddy misunderstandings, everytime.
  20. Night


    Okay before this derails any further, please allow me to stop it here. @Løra, the title "SJW" ImmaculateChimp refered to is not what the name might suggest, it also has a lot of Interent drama loaded behind it which if discussed further might derail this thread even further off-topic. So...