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  1. J

    Pandora Needs A Hub To Use Some Usb Devices?

    Sorry guys, I'm still really confused on all the USB 1.0, 1.1, 2.0, HOST, OTG, etc. talk that's been going on. I understand that I can't just plug any USB 2.0 or less device I have into the pandora and have it work (assuming that it normally works with the linux used on the Pandora)? I think...
  2. J

    2Nd Review Case Should Arrive Soon.

    ...a design ("factory told us XXX months" and that's what we blindly go by; well, you told us Nov. 2008 and a dozen other dates since we *both* know to be more skeptical). I can't believe Chip. It's been 15 months since payment and we've been told various dates for the past year and...
  3. J

    2Nd Review Case Should Arrive Soon.

    For clarification, I can't find the quote, but didn't the OpenPandora crew already know they had to order this 3rd review case (the one that shipped out last Saturday) before MWeston even received the 2nd one on Friday? I recall reading somewhere that they already ordered another a 3rd review...
  4. J


    Can somebody put up a link to Mweston's photobucket account link on the links page of the unofficial blog website? I always forget what it is and want to reference it a lot or look if there is a new picture there all the time. Thanks!
  5. J

    New Twitter Pics

    What happend to make us go from the cases **arriving** last weekend to cases just being **shipped** yesterday (I saw the update on the to-do list on the official website, but it seems to come from nowhere...)? I know Craig said that "if we're lucky" the cases would arrive with MWESTON this past...
  6. J

    Nintendo Sixty Fooooooooooooooooooour!

    ...confused on how it is suddenly widescreen...I don't see any extra space on the sides of the screen being rendered, so does that mean that we are losing vertical data/image to render it in widescreen? Or do we actually *see* more in this widescreen resolution than with the original console...
  7. J

    Nintendo Sixty Fooooooooooooooooooour!

    Noob question: How are N64 games being rendered at 800 x 480 (or 400 x 240) if 1. original games were not widescreen (are we just stretching it and sacrificing aspect ratio) and 2. original resolution was much lower? Sounds like magic.
  8. J

    Batch 2 Release Date

    I know I'm "cooling my jets," but I think it's reasonable for me to provide an example here because some people don't know what I'm referring to: Here's the original thread: And here are some quick quotes from that thread:
  9. J

    Batch 2 Release Date

    I'm still interested since there's no replacement product I can see for the Pandora. I guess I'm just a little frustrated over how long it's taken and all the misleading statements and what not. Sorry, I should just step back, take a breather, and cool my jets.
  10. J

    Batch 2 Release Date

    I'm really, really sorry - I normally wouldn't respond to such a thing at all, but I am confused here. I seem to recall it being clear from some point prior to the start of the pre-ordering how the pre-order money was to be used (hence why I don't tend to comment on posts like this, because it...
  11. J

    Batch 2 Release Date

    I guess it's not too abnormal because Craig is a businessman (I know we all love him a lot and stuff because of his involvement in the community but we should never forget this fact)? Remember when the website first went up and he advertised it as having 1 Gb of RAM? A decent amount of people...
  12. J

    Dosbox Fun

    I thought that DOSBox had an option to mount disk/disc images, nowadays? Or is that not useful for cases like these? As an aside, I tried to test out Jazz Jackrabbit in DOSBox on my Ubuntu 9.04 box, but couldn't find any way to stop it from showing percentages and the like instead of the number...
  13. J

    Dosbox Fun

    Uh my DOSBOX doesn't show the NUMBER cycles in the top of the DOSBOX windows. Instead, it gives a percentage: DOSBox 0.73, Cpu Cycles: [95%], Frameskip 0, Program: DOS4GW F11 and F12 change the percentage (all the way to "max"). How do I get it to display the actual number? Also, there is...
  14. J

    2 Quick "size" Questions

    To clarify I am talking about physical size (physical dimensions of what is actually displayed from the game, measured in cm or inches, not pixels) of the screen. I know that we are getting like 4x as many pixels as the PSP screen and stuff, but I was wondering if the physical size of, say, a...
  15. J

    2 Quick "size" Questions

    Hey everybody I have 2 quick questions that have been on my mind recently about the pandora: 1. Has the dimensions of the Pandora been changed? I remember that it used to be said that it's size was in between that of the DS Lite and the old, fatty DS. The Pandora, excluding the thickness...
  16. J

    Dosbox Fun

    Oh bummer, this is disappointing. I guess I was expecting much higher performance (486 level, maybe even <100 mhz Pentium) with all the hype the hardware has been getting (and especially since we heard that Warcraft II apparently was running well in DOSBOX), but I guess DOSBOX isn't very...
  17. J

    Release Fheroes2

    Is there music supported in this version (i think i remember music on the main menu screen and when in battle, etc.)?
  18. J

    What Do People Want To See Demoed On First Completed Prototype?

    Yeah, we've seen Warcraft II pictures, but videos are always so much nicer! We've yet to see *any* videos of DosBox running (EvilDragon said he was going to but never got around to it), so that's why I think it'd be good to show it, especially running a game that's going to require lots of power...
  19. J

    What Do People Want To See Demoed On First Completed Prototype?

    Hey guys, I'm just curious to see what other people would like to see MWeston (or other developers I guess, but I think he's is the only one that will have one with a keymat) demo in videos for the first video of a complete Pandora prototype? I personally want to see DOSBOX (particularly...