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  1. S

    Why So Little Interest In The Wiz?

    I'm sure the wiz has some neat features like the faster CPU and 3D capabilities, but the smaller screen IS an issue for me, OLED or not. It also lacks wifi and TV Out, the latter being a real drawback from the F200 and even tho they changed the 2nd DPad into buttons, it still looks awful IMO...
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    Flash Games On The Wiz

    If an existing .swf file is using keyboard commands then those wouldn't be covered by the mouse emulation alone, you'd need an onscreen keyboard to use them which I doubt will exist in the flash player 7. But for creating your own .swf movies the mouse emulation / touchscreen should be great. I...
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    Pandora Usb Video: Someone's Actually Played A Pandora!

    Hey I got the same joypad! lol Good old Sonic, running on yet another system it wasn't originally made for ;) GREAT STUFF! :) "SunSpire"
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    Gp2x Was Stolen...

    I do stuff like that too .. Once I left my backpack in the kitchen after food shopping. Then during the next day I couldn't find it anywhere and after checking every corner in the house I thought one of my flatmates must have taken it with all the stuff inside. It was raining outside so I took a...
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    The Wiz Gets Proper Buttons And A 3.5mm Headphone Jack

    While that certainly is worth mentioning, a lot of the community's ideas and error fixes were not included until the later MK2 and F200 models, which doesn't have much meaning to those who already bought their units before that. Here's hoping that GPH will iron out all hardware and firmware...
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    The Wiz Gets Proper Buttons And A 3.5mm Headphone Jack

    If you think about it, this is a perfect marketing strategy ;) Seriously tho, I'm very impressed with GPH and their decision to revise the console. I didn't think they would do that. Very well done to Evil Dragon as well for convincing them! Dang, now it's up to me to decide whether I'll buy...
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    A Way To Maybe Solve The Wiz Xyab Dpad Promblem

    Wasn't there a few developers on these boards who already received a Wiz unit (oh man, the sound of that!) to work on? I'd be interested to hear their opinion about the dpad and how much it really does affect the gameplay. Go spill the beans guys! :) "SunSpire"
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    [Fake] Gp2x Wiz Mkii - Fall 2008

    Look, it's a transformer! LOL "SunSpire"
  9. S

    Wiz Pictures From The Ifa

    You could play "Wizball" on it ;) "SunSpire"
  10. S

    Wiz Pictures From The Ifa

    A 2.5 mm jack? The 3.5 mm one in the gp2x was horrible (cos it was too deep inside the casing) but a 2.5 mm jack is downright stupid, certain ipods come in mind. And the dpad trouble was a no-brainer, I mean that's just too obvious .. looks like GPH didn't learn from their mistakes, fix one...
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    Gp2x Was Stolen...

    Actually it IS a hole in the post .. or letterbox, however you wanna name it :) Sometimes the mailman doesn't push the mail all the way through, then it sticks out halfway and anyone can just grab it. And then there's the fact that I live in a shared house. I might just sign up for a PO box at...
  12. S

    Gp2x Was Stolen...

    I guess the "device" being called a "GP2X" which sounds very similar to GPS might have helped too. Maybe that name's not so useless after all ;) Let's hope whoever took novaslogic gp2x doesn't read along here, or if he does then at least has the guts to come forward .. good luck anyways...
  13. S

    Gp2x Was Stolen...

    Man that sucks, I'm sorry! :( I've got a slightly different problem atm too, somebody in the neighborhood keeps stealing my mail and I then find it opened in my mailbox days later, if at all. I told everyone I know to not send me any parcels as I fear they might get nicked too .. Don't trust...
  14. S

    Gph: The Wiz - Official Announcement

    Why didn't they just upgrade the gp2x to have the wiz's specs and leave the design alone. An even smaller screen and double d-pad sounds terrible. And built-in battery? So next time when I travel abroad and take this thing with me, after 5 hours (if that's even true, it might only last that long...
  15. S

    The Gp2x Is Dead!

    Well I can see where that makes sense, cos many gp2x users may be considered potential pandora customers in the future :P I agree tho, this should be a gp2x related thread and for that reason I'll throw in a random question .. .. which places do you know are still selling "new" F200 units, and...
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    Mame Game: Tokyo Cop !

    QUOTE Namco didn't list the arcade board on which Tokyo Cop is running, but it seems to be the PS2-powered System 246 board. These videos were filmed off a screen while someone else was playing. Source: By the looks of it this game is...
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    The Gp2x Is Dead!

    What a lot of nonsense, really. That thing does not look anywhere near as good as the gp2x, and a smaller screen? For people like me who don't have perfect eye-sight (good, but not perfect) unimaginable. The buttons are not convincing me either. Even if it ran PSX emulation fullspeed, it'd be...
  18. S

    GP2X F200, Emulation von 16-Bit-Konsolen

    Ich hatte zuerst auch einen F100, der funktionierte so lange gut bis dann irgendwann der Stick aus dem Gehäuse brach und nur noch lose umherwackelte (ca. nach einem Jahr) damit war die Sache dann vorbei. Ich würde dir dringendst einen F200 empfehlen, das DPad ist stabiler und vor allem...
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    Good Gaming For 'casual' Times (short Playtime, Relaxing)?

    Hey skeezix, didn't see ya around for a while ... glad to hear you're doing fine. I'm not a father myself but I used to take care of my 2 younger siblings all the time, so know how tiring it can be :P "Transplant" on uae4all and "Mario VS Donkey Kong" via gpSP, altho runs a tad bit slow at...
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    I bought my gp2x F200 only in january (my old F100 died, had it for a year) and it's working really well so I don't plan to upgrade or replace it anytime soon. At this time I don't have any money for yet another handheld device anyway. There's so much software available already that even if the...