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  1. TangentDelta

    If you believe in a free Internet, speak up now before it's too late. Don't let the Net go over...

    If you believe in a free Internet, speak up now before it's too late. Don't let the Net go over to Corporate America
  2. TangentDelta

    Short Pandora Review in German TV (VIVA)

    Happens to me all the time on my Pandora...
  3. TangentDelta

    Black Mesa Source (finally!) launching this month

    The amount of work that went into this is amazing. Some parts of it seem better than something Valve could do...
  4. TangentDelta

    Game reviews in 5 words (couldn't find a picture of this, sorry :( ) This code is really bad. A very steep learning curve.
  5. TangentDelta

    open source circuit modelling and simulating software

    Ooh, I'd be interested in this!
  6. TangentDelta

    Steam is coming to Linux

    Lol, 3rd topic on this so far. With windows turning more towards a smarth-phone-esque environment, gamers are going to move to a previous version of windows, or use linux. The problem with this, is that drivers for graphics cards (among other things) are a bit of an issue for linux. Luckily...
  7. TangentDelta

    How to select wifi access point in mini menu?

    Just select the wifi in xcfe and switch back to minimenu.
  8. TangentDelta

    What Are The 3 Key Strengths of The Pandora?

    All of those (except for the form factor) are excellent strengths of the Pandora.
  9. TangentDelta

    Game reviews in 5 words

    My Commodore blew a fuse.
  10. TangentDelta

    Kindle Fire HD

    Isn't the current Pandora already quite HD?
  11. TangentDelta

    Longest living console?

    I regularly use my Commodore 128, though I do have a Commodore 64 breadbin. I usually just play music on it, rather than play games on it.
  12. TangentDelta

    Jump start your Pandora!

    But then the plastic would crack and do funny stuff from the light :(
  13. TangentDelta

    Ouya - Android based open gaming console

    I'd be interested in the OUYA for hacking purposes. Does it have USB?
  14. TangentDelta

    c64 30 years old BBC article and Vid

    I did something similar with my C64 at a vocational school. The punks were more interested in the stupid TV I was using than the "fat keyboard" that I was showing demo programs on.
  15. TangentDelta

    Pandora 2: Battery

    What about stronger hinges?
  16. TangentDelta

    What connectors would you like on the P2?

    LPT stuff, like what the old printers used (those long DB25 connectors). Edit: My slow connection here at college can't keep up with you guys sometimes...
  17. TangentDelta

    What connectors would you like on the P2?

    Maybe a mini-SD card slot, since so many people use those darned things. I'd also like to see a connector or something that includes parallel RS232 and serial RS232, so that I can make a pandora-to-1541 adapter without having to deal with the stupid USB controllers.
  18. TangentDelta

    The biggest computer/gaming mistake you have ever made.

    I bought a breadbin C64 off of ebay for $200 from a guy that claimed that it was in "working condition" because "the red light comes on". When I got it, the poor C64 was in absolutely horrible condition. Rust all over the main board, stripped screws, corroded connections, missing RF shielding...
  19. TangentDelta

    Reply in a New Topic option?

    Seems like something that would require re-coding the IP-board software. I bet there's a plugin somewhere for IP-board that allows something similar. I'm not all too sure, but is IP-board open-source?
  20. TangentDelta

    Comment on the avatar of the previous poster

    Death's puppet show.