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  1. badegg

    Setting Or Tricks To Get These 3 Games To Play Fs?

    You like that movie too, huh? My favorite part is when the principal get triple-kicked in the nuts by the sister. That's how I feel when someone responds to the part of my posts that don't need to be responded to.
  2. badegg

    Setting Or Tricks To Get These 3 Games To Play Fs?

    *Bump*. Nobody is a fan of these games (or has a clue how to optimize the settings to get faster playing)? Bueller?
  3. badegg

    Setting Or Tricks To Get These 3 Games To Play Fs?

    Using both the old and new Mame4All, Then only way I could get those games to play full speed was to turn off sound. Okay in some instances, but for the most part I like hearing the digitized voices in Splatterhouse and Double Dragon. Does Bubble Bobble have anything other than Midi sound? I...
  4. badegg

    Mame4All 2.5

    Thanks, dude. Best feature of the Wiz, hands down. Can't wait to see what the next revision brings.
  5. badegg

    Mame4All Custom Cfgs

    Played MAME much? You can remap "keys" (button) in the MAME menu when you start a game. you can do that for each game or for all games. It will save that setting so you only have to do it once. Lots of games let you set difficulty, # of lives, etc. If you're talking about editing config...
  6. badegg

    Mame4All: What Games Run Well? [1990's And Up]

    Yeah, dude. Splatterhouse was a bummer not running at full speed w/ sound and 16-bit color depth. You can play around w/ 8-bit and sound off/ 22k fast. W/o the sound though, it's just not the same. The newest games that worked just fine are TMNT, Simpsons, Aliens, X-Men, Magic Sword, R-Type...
  7. badegg

    Psp Emulator?

    ...bin at Walmart). Isn't the fun of emulation playing games that are out-of-print and therefore no longer for sale? I mean NES/Genesis/TG/SNES/Neo*Geo all rocked when I was a kid. You can't even find games at arcades anymore. They just have the usual suspects (DDR, House of the Dead, sit-down...
  8. badegg

    Caanoo - The New Gph Console?

    So if the Caanoo has the same architecture as the Wiz, same screen res, and possible the same OS, then this might actually improve dev for the Wiz since porting games/apps over to the Wiz from the Caanoo will be (hopefully) easy???
  9. badegg

    Better Gaming Device - Wiz Vs. Itouch?

    iTouch has that snazzy iPhone interface. And you get WiFi and BT. I got an iTouch free when I got my new laptop - and sold it. For me, it's not real game-playing unless you are hammering on buttons. (And no, I'm not counting virtual ones.)
  10. badegg

    Most Fun On The Wiz?

    Bad Dudes - MAME Final Fight - MAME Comix Zone - Genesis Alien Crush - TG-16 Friday the 13th - NES Three runners-up Super Mario All Stars - SNES TMNT part 1 - MAME Ghouls N' Ghosts - MAME Why limit the list to a Top Five? Maybe a Top 10 or 20 would be more appropriate? It would like picking...
  11. badegg


    Maybe click on the link 2 posts above yours? It's called "How to unbrick your Wiz." Here's the link. yw.
  12. badegg

    My Own Wiz Case

    The case I use is a black Body Glove case for a PDA that is found in the electronics section in Walmart. They're $9.99. It has a side opening that you squeeze to open the case. It holds the Wiz, but to enclose it completely you might need to stretch the case out a little (I did with mine). Got...
  13. badegg

    Sd Card Wich Brand And Size?

    Didn't think I would need a SD Card, until I saw the way it played a few videos and liked the quality of the screen. Picked up a 16GB PNY-brand card for $35 from BJ's (Wholesale Club) over Christmas. The NAND memory was more than enough to hold games, but now I want to try some PSX games that...
  14. badegg

    Thought I Was All Set Regarding Mame Roms, Now Confused

    Hey, I've been able to get some ROMs going by working within the .zip files of that game. I've renamed files, copied and renamed, and deleted files to get some games to work. We are supposed to be sticking by the v35b5 list as a guide for what games with play or even show up in the MAME menu...
  15. badegg

    Uae4All Not Starting Up

    This was the last emulator I got going. My 1st computer was an Amiga 500. It was cool playing Lemmings on the Wiz. I wonder how Wrath of the Demon will run? If anyone knows of a repository online that has Fred Fish files (sneakernet opensource floppy disks), post up a link!
  16. badegg

    Another "wiz Vs ........" Thread

    I'm happy with my cell phone looking like a phone and my portable gaming system looking like a GB micro on 'roids. It sucks playing games with a keypad, just as much as it sucks holding something the size of a brick (glossywhite?) to my head to call someone. Not every portable device has to have...
  17. badegg

    Rate Of Wiz Defectiveness?

    My unit has worked since the day the day I got it (birth? lol). Anyways, the only thing I can complain about is not being able to register a diagonal press on some emulators. It's the software because the game Abuse 1.0 works fine with the D-pad. I worry that support and s/w dev will fall off...
  18. badegg

    Paranoia Of A Soon To Be Wiz Owner

    I'd like to chime in here if I could. I've only seen the "screen tearing" phenomenon during high-contrast flashing menus (white on a black background). It just looks like a noticeable horizontal line. I haven't really seen it during gameplay, maybe on some cut screens in-between levels or...
  19. badegg

    .ini (And So Can You!)

    2 points for anyone who got the Colbert reference. In the Build-In Games menu (of the old orange GUI), there are games like Boomshine and Myriad. Wouldn't it be cool if you could run all your games from this menu? Now you can. Just edit (or make your own) ini files and place them in the game...
  20. badegg

    Simoniz Released

    Nice :D Hope it's touch screen (crosses-fingers) so I can play it with my thumbs like back in the day. Guess I'll find out after work.