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  • Users: paolo
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  1. P

    Got Your Pandora? Tell Us Your Order Date!

    ...mine is still vapour. Forgive me if I'm so a fool by starting being worried about all this. This is the mail by Jaqueline of pandora sales: "Hi ***, Your order number is GVV28*** and your approximate queue position is 250 - 350. I have updated your shipping and email details. Kind regards...
  2. P

    Guitar Amp & Telescope Software

    there are 2 open source projects I'd really like to get on my pandora: one is a virtual guitar amplifier (simulates in realtime a series of effects like distortion etc.. via the line in jack or usb device like the Behringer usb-enabled electric guitars) named Rackarrack...
  3. P

    Pandora Pandora-psp

    that's the point! sony does not face any income loss by piracy. I bought a ps2 and a psp plus some optionals like additional pads, cases, spare parts... and I bought those two for the unique reason they can be hacked to load isos. Don't dilly-dally on suppositions, Sony Computer Entertainment is...
  4. P

    Pandora Pandora-psp

    ...their custom firmwares under the covert name of some hackers (I really believe they do this way, it's impossible they decipher and recompile *every* official-firmware in a couple of days otherwise, but this is another story). On my opinion (completely valueless) psp and psp-slim are about to...
  5. P

    Touch Screen Specs

    i'm not gonna sell my case, because I will keep it safe if I need to rollback ;)
  6. P

    Touch Screen Specs

    ...width and heignt of the RAW screen? Both inner (the real lcd viewport) and outer (considering metal borders) and depth? 3) is the physical keyboard *mandatory* for startup/login/shutdown .. or any other general operation? If I place this in the 2 din adapter I won't have the keyboard as the...
  7. P

    Anyone Else Here Losing Interest?

    every social-game/network is nerdy, indeed, but who cares :) Anyway, I'm loosing interest as well. I'm a first batch preorderer, and expected this ppc by christmast at worst, but now I know I wont see it until this autumn being lucky, let's just be realistic. Now I bought an Omnia (a nice...
  8. P

    Great Pandora Accessories

    a car mount, I really hope the case is not missing some kind of rails or holes for grasping the pandora on my car dashboard. :pandora1:
  9. P

    Recommend One Game For Everyone Else To Play On Their Pandora

    GTI Club Cote d'azure.. was the first coin-op game with the handbrake late in 1997 :) driving cars like the Autobianchi A112-Abarth (and her rival mini cooper), golf gti, renault 4 turbo... ;)
  10. P

    Games That You Can't Wait To Play On Your Pandora.

    TileRacer!!! maybe a specific "pandora" port with custom car models?
  11. P

    Reordering Update

    The service toll is at bank's choice. In other words, a certain bank may charge you when you perform online operations, or when you do operations at office by their crew, both of them, just one of them, or none if you're lucky. For instance my bank charges you only if you transfer money by...
  12. P

    The Pandora Port Request Thread

    stellarium :) os project
  13. P

    Extra Features That People Wish The Most

    NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooD'OH! :( :( :( :( :( :( :( P.S.: Noooooooo :(
  14. P

    Original Order Match (for Reorderers)

    Hi Paolo, Just to let you know we have received your Bank Transfer. Sorry for the late confirmation but we had to wait for the paper confirmation as the order number did not fully appear on our online account. It has now been matched to your original order. Many thanks Jacquelyn...
  15. P

    Extra Features That People Wish The Most

    0) Touchscreen 16:10 with two-presses detection like ip-hone 1) HDMI output 2) COM port 3) Possibility to buy & replace with not to much effort a solid stainless steel body so I can wear it in my pocket while climbing, snowboarding... 4) Internal sd card (replaceable by unscrewing body) to be...
  16. P

    Pandora Game And Application Naming Convention

    imho it's a bit early to discuss over a naming convention since we aren't even sure 101% if the pandora will ever exist/be shipped. Anyway I think to the ease of sorting out results from a web search engine. Pandora, panda, dora gpx...c1p8.. leads to much more results. The perfect solution...
  17. P

    Credit Card Orders

    just can't wait to plug my pandora to whatever I see (fridges, petrol stations, ticket machines, microwaves, tv, phones, boars, mangos.....) and manipulate :lol: Everything should have a barcode.... right... and a com port ;)
  18. P

    Credit Card Orders

    ehm, as suggested in the re-order mail, I *already* reordered by direct-bank transfer O_o, do this mean I've got to chase and cancel the transaction (if still possible) and wait for some kind of reorder page? Hope not.
  19. P

    First Might Come Mmorpg For The Pandora.

    I'm at developing a new large mmorpg with a couple of friends across Italy, it's realtime, full 3D .. entirely web based on port 80 (no client needed at all) but....... you need flash player > 9 (due to exadel flamingo seamRemoteObject calls to bind data). Even if pandora can widely manage the...
  20. P


    are we reorderers going to receive some sort of notification of the received money? Just to know everything is proceeding and our payment is inline along all the non refunding ones