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  • Users: zxxxy
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  1. Z

    Pandora Portrait Style

    I dont know does pandora have acelerometer but i think it will be cool to rotate a screen like on iphone =D
  2. Z

    Pandora Wallpapers Thread :)

    +1! Me too :lol: !
  3. Z

    Poll: Do You Like Keybord Font.

    If you dont care you can go live in a cardboard box, eat 3 year old tomatoes and use those freaky old computers with tapes rolled in something :angry: . It works, isnt it???? And why humanity grow out of stoneage?? it worked, isnt it? You are discrimating that guy who makes fdm case and that guy...
  4. Z

    Poll: Do You Like Keybord Font.

    how do i do that??? :(
  5. Z

    Poll: Do You Like Keybord Font.

    Yes, i have. didnt YOU READ THIS??
  6. Z

    Poll: Do You Like Keybord Font.

    Letter "Ö" looks like . by the way... look at this!Look into his eyes! ow... soz.. images dont work.. plz delete this post someone cuz i dont know how......
  7. Z

    Poll: Do You Like Keybord Font.

    i was sure its not a final but i tought that we can help you decide :rolleyes: ....
  8. Z

    Poll: Do You Like Keybord Font.

    I was just wondering.... Does pandora's keyboard font looks cool for you, cause for me actualy it looks like the one used in cheap Chinesse rip-off's <_< (means i dont like it).... and here is the image so you can take a look right now and decide.
  9. Z

    Games For 3+ Players That You Know

    How about Tremulous ? its open source q3 bases game!
  10. Z

    Compile For Pabdora Under Pandora?

    All right! Bring it ooonnn!! :D :P
  11. Z

    Compile For Pabdora Under Pandora?

    I think it will be wery good to compile and program for pandora on........ Pandora! imagine. gimp+cpmpiler+3d program+good text editor= compiling under pandora? is it possible? i think im going 2 buy pandora when its next batch. so can i, beginer of c++ can hope this?
  12. Z

    Forbidden World Rts

    Yea. this game is wery awesome... if ill have pandora i will even buy this game =D!
  13. Z

    Win 2k?

    What about Mac OS X? It was designed for ppc(at first).
  14. Z

    (second) Guessing Game

    april 1st =D
  15. Z

    Fan-made Pandora Renders

    Wow looks SOOO cool! and i have a qestion. what do you see when you look at pandora logo? i see a 3D box or some kind of an spaceship.
  16. Z

    Some Good Linux Games.

    Hi. Please, someone port tremulous. Its open-source and its cross platform so people can play multiplayer with friends that play tremulous on pc! If trenulous will be ported to pandora it will be another very good reason to buy :pandora1: !!!!
  17. Z

    Pandora's Emulators - What Will Work And What Won't

    I'am psp fan really. But if psp will come to pandora it will be my dream come true :rolleyes: ... and I've found this article !!! And few more qestions. Is it possible to run starcraft on dosbox? Its Reqiurements: Windows 95/98/NT Pentium 90 or higher 16 MB RAM DirectX-Compatible SVGA Video...