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  1. oskarzer0

    Release PFBA

    Wow! Now is perfect :) Thanks for your work.
  2. oskarzer0

    Release PFBA

    Thank you very much <3
  3. oskarzer0

    Release PFBA

    Thanks for your great work! When I press any key in the keyboard the emulation slow down and the screen flick :( Why? I can't play Street Fighter if i cant press "o" and "p" keys. Thank you very much and sorry for my poor english :)
  4. oskarzer0

    Analog TV Out through the headphone jack ?

    I´m a Galaxy S1-Plus user and I think this would be a nice feature. I love the CRT TV´s.
  5. oskarzer0

    Release Emu EX Plus Alpha ported to the Pandora

    Hi! Could I play in my big CRT with this emulators and 2 USB gamepads?  :wub: (I think that only with Picodrive and PanMame is possible) Thanks!!
  6. oskarzer0

    Release Emu EX Plus Alpha ported to the Pandora

    Great news!! :D Thanks!!
  7. oskarzer0

    Emulators that support 2 players with externel usb pad

    I think that with the news ptitSeb emulators it is possible. I wait a answer for this and I´ll buy a Pandora :wub:  
  8. oskarzer0

    Release Emu EX Plus Alpha ported to the Pandora

    WOW! Awesome work.  :wub:   This emulators are my favorites in Android. One Question: Supports external USB gamepads? (As Android versions) Thanks!!
  9. oskarzer0


    I have installed this update and now Pandora not run none pnd aplication. :( :lol: :lol: Fixed!
  10. oskarzer0

    Request For Hotfix 6

    I love to use Pandora as bluetooth gamepad (like iControPad) :D
  11. oskarzer0

    Beta Mednafen

    Thanks for this multi-emulator :lol: If it had scaling/stretching would be perfect ;)
  12. oskarzer0

    Unofficial Cps1Psp/cps2Psp / Mvspsp With Cheat Support Davex Sources

    Hi! I think that a good idea could be port the 3 faster emulators of PSP: CPS1PSP, CPS2PSP and MVSPSP. (NJ and Davex) For playing in Pandora at CPS2, only is possible with the unoptimized and slow MAME 106. :( Sources: Grettings!
  13. oskarzer0

    Port Request: Xpadder

    This is similar and it have source code avalible: Grettings! :lol:
  14. oskarzer0

    Ginge Wrapped Pnds

  15. oskarzer0

    Release Picodrive 1.80

    Notaz, thank you for this incredible emulator. I love you!!! P.D.: WOW! The Notaz´s Pandora have more brightness than mine. :blink: My LCD Pandora is more dark. :( Is possible add the old "Gamma Correction" Option?? Thanks!
  16. oskarzer0

    Beta Mame4All Beta

    WOW!! This port is really fast! Thank you very much Steve! You´re the best one.
  17. oskarzer0

    Got My Email!

    Ups! I'm at 15:40 :( So hopefully not too much longer for me! :pandora2ut4:
  18. oskarzer0

    Where Are All The Apps?

    Tell you at your friend that if the SNES emulator is crappy, then he have the guts and program something better. Can you believe it! How easy it is to criticize the work of others! :angry:
  19. oskarzer0

    Programs From The Ångström Repo

    Sorry, I´m not sure this page you can personalize your Pandora Angstrom Distribution, ¿not true? :unsure: :unsure: :blush: You can choose build your rootfs image for Omap3-Pandora, type of image, the /dev manager......, and X11...
  20. oskarzer0

    Beagleboard Xbmc Google Code Project

    WOW! Are good news. Thanks! We'll have to be watchful this summer to the page, because this project promise a lot and I will wait it with big enthusiasm (MyhtTVPlayer too :-)).