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  1. C

    Open PAndora For Sale - UK

    I was bidding on this - could I ask what happened as I'm still interested...
  2. C

    Pandoras For Sale

    Oh blimey, I wish I hadn't seen this. Right, what can I sell to fund one...
  3. C

    Release Gmu Music Player 0.7.2

    Nice work, and an excellent choice of music :D
  4. C

    [SOLVED]My Pandora Dream Has Come To An End...

    That is simply great news! Both on the retrieval, and also on the stunning generosity of the community. I had a Psion 5 stolen from my desk at work which turned up in the cleaner's room minus its 64mb CF card. Police were called, CCTV checked, no action taken :( . This was in the days when...
  5. C

    I Got It!

    It will be sorted out as soon as you contact them.
  6. C

    A Teaser For You Retro Fanatics .. Text Adventures Ftw!

    Someone actually used MagnetiCE? I COULD HUG YOU :D
  7. C

    A Teaser For You Retro Fanatics .. Text Adventures Ftw!

    Nice work! I ported Magnetic to Windows CE back in the mists of time, and to see you running a Magnetic Scrolls game fair warms the cockles of my heart. (Especially as I'm in Helsinki today and it's bloody freezing!) Congratulations :)
  8. C

    Infocom Text Adventures On Pandora?

    You've got me thinking about porting Magnetic to the Pandora, although there's already a linux version so that should just compile... Those text adventures from Magnetic Scrolls are still a joy :D (I'll have to be a batch 2 buyer now)
  9. C

    Official Status Update Incl. Table

    I really hope that's just left hand not knowing what right hand is doing. The PC-Z1 does look almightily interesting: more useful keyboard for data entry, but less useful gaming controls... Price seems to be similar-ish, but the PCZ1 could be more, which should silence some whinging :)...
  10. C

    Question On Estimated Ship Date

    Some could go in parallel - the challenge is identifying the critical path... I would also guess that there will be rework resulting from the tests: rework may have been included in the estimates above (eg 10 days for test runs) but I would imagine there could be significantly more given the...
  11. C

    Why Can't I Use My Credit Card? :( :(

    Short answer: Credit cards protect card holders and card issuers a lot more than they protect the shop (merchant) and the shop's bank (merchant acquirer). Long-ish answer: Many credit agreements and indeed credit legislation require that, if purchasing physical goods, those goods be shipped...
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    Blog Update

  13. C

    New Video Of Assembled Pandora!

    Congratulations to the team :D - this is excellent.
  14. C

    Minor Re-payment / Preordering Update

    That's not how credit card processing and liability works. For cardholder not present transactions, the risk is almost always with the merchant, and only recently have things started to get a little better for them. If the merchant has no money, the risk is with the merchant acquirer. The...
  15. C

    Minor Re-payment / Preordering Update

    New company? Check. Non-existent product? Check. Sudden influx of millions of pounds of credit-card sourced money? Check. Exposure to 100% chargeback? Check. Not enough security/stock/capital to mitigate the risk? Check. Possibility of nothing being delivered, OpenPandora going bust and...
  16. C

    Credit Card Orders

  17. C

    Credit Card Orders

    If you're absolutely not going to accept the refund being less than you paid, charge back the original transaction and you *will* get all your money back. You *WILL* cost the retailers money and *WILL* create a headache for them. But you will get your money back. And, crazy as it seems, I'm...
  18. C

    Pandora Vs Laptop

    sorta depends on the size of your thumbs/fingers and what you're used to ;) . The eee pc 900 is fantastic IMHO... I also have a libretto u100, and that keyboard takes some getting used to but it can be done...
  19. C

    In A Real Quandry....

    I'll add my story. I've received the refund. I'm not reordering. Not because of lack of faith, or naive assumptions on my part, but because some better use for the money presented itself. Plus, being frank, I think there's still a long, long way to go before volumes of this device get...
  20. C

    Refund Question

    There are a *load* of Visa and Mastercard regulations around transaction refunds, particularly when currency conversions are concerned. You might want to check the small print of your agreements...