Release Gmu Music Player 0.7.2


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2005
Hello everyone!

I have just released new version of the Gmu Music Player for the Pandora and several other consoles. The Pandora version is still in its early development stages, but already pretty usable.


Downloads & release notes
wejp said:
Hello everyone!

I have just released new version of the Gmu Music Player for the Pandora and several other consoles. The Pandora version is still in its early development stages, but already pretty usable.


Downloads & release notes
Thanks.The more software the better.
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I use it since wejp did the first Ports and must say it is by far the best Player I have ever used.
I hear Audiobooks a lot and that works like a charm, better than any IPod, Palm Pre or other player I used till now.
Only thing missing is to fast forward or backward, but I am pretty sure that wejp will improve that :)
Holliefant said:
I use it since wejp did the first Ports and must say it is by far the best Player I have ever used.
I hear Audiobooks a lot and that works like a charm, better than any IPod, Palm Pre or other player I used till now.
Only thing missing is to fast forward or backward, but I am pretty sure that wejp will improve that :)

This sounds very interesting, it runs audiobooks that are 2 hour+ and remembers position when you turn off/on again? Will certainly try this when I get my pandora :-)
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Jeah it does :) I have been hearing so far Harry Potter Part 1-4 and I am stuck on Part 5 because I have to work...

But you will have to end it properly otherwise it forgets the position, with the standbybutton there is no problem. And you will have to be carefull with the shoulderbuttons, because they are used to jump tracks, that happend to me once and since you have no chance to fast forward that is really annoying, so the L button to lock screen is your friend :) This locks only the gmu nothing else so no harm done you can even play with gmu locked :)
Thanks for all your replies!

Holliefant said:
Only thing missing is to fast forward or backward, but I am pretty sure that wejp will improve that :)
Actually this is already possible. On the Pandora seeking is mapped to the M and N buttons for fast forward and backward respectively.
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This is the music player I was waiting for, thanks wejp. :) I haven't read the readme in full yet - hopefully in there I will find out how to make it go fullscreen automatically on launch, and also to skip the intro text and go straight to playlist.

I'm having some thoughts about the controls and how they could be made more intuitive, I'll post in more detail later on.
Gruso said:
This is the music player I was waiting for, thanks wejp. :) I haven't read the readme in full yet - hopefully in there I will find out how to make it go fullscreen automatically on launch, and also to skip the intro text and go straight to playlist.
Actually, Gmu is meant to remember fullscreen and window size settings as well as supress the intro text on the second time it is started. Unfortunately it looks like there is a bug in Pandora's PND code, which prevents Gmu from writing to files which already exist in the PND. That means Gmu is unable to write to its configuration file, so it cannot remember any settings. In earlier firmware releases this has been working just fine. If this bug does not get fixed in the next Pandora firmware release, I'll introduce a hack with the next Gmu release so Gmu stores its configuration in another place. This is not the way it is meant to be done, so I would really like to avoid it if possible. The bug needs to be fixed in the pnd handling code anyway.

I'm having some thoughts about the controls and how they could be made more intuitive, I'll post in more detail later on.
I'd be happy to read about your thoughts on that. :)
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Blue Protoman said:
It's gone! Can you reupload it?
I have moved my website to another server, which is why some older files are no longer there. May I ask why you want to use that old version of Gmu? Any problems with the new version?
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wejp said:
Blue Protoman said:
It's gone! Can you reupload it?
I have moved my website to another server, which is why some older files are no longer there. May I ask why you want to use that old version of Gmu? Any problems with the new version?
Thanks! But did you announce it anywhere except your website?

Anyway, I updated the link on the wiki now.
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Esn said:
Thanks! But did you announce it anywhere except your website?
Yes, right here, but it is always a good idea to also check my website or to add my Atom feed to your feed reader.
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wejp said:
Esn said:
Thanks! But did you announce it anywhere except your website?
Yes, right here, but it is always a good idea to also check my website or to add my Atom feed to your feed reader.
Oh man... yeah, sorry, that was my fault. I should have seen that. :( I guess I was out-of-town at the time, so wasn't paying attention as closely.
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