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  1. Q

    People who can't/couldn't overclock

    so i tried snsemu clocking 156Mhz but my gp just froze. my batteries were full (i'm using 210mA rechargables). I also tried scummvm but had to use the 133 Mhz version. could it be the cpu-quality? some series will some won't?
  2. Q

    People who can't/couldn't overclock

    sounds good. i'll give it a shot. thanx
  3. Q

    People who can't/couldn't overclock

    I'm sure this has been talked over a couple of times. how do you know you can overclock? does the gp just crash when you're trying? i read the gp could take harm from overclocking. Can i risk it?
  4. Q

    Cannot access SMC - please help

    when you enter linkmode and the smc is not detected, there is a option to recover the smc. does this help?
  5. Q


    you're welcome. have fun... i guess the children thing wouldn't work out :D
  6. Q

    I found the new SNES emulator!!!

    hey. i'm daveys echo....
  7. Q

    I found the new SNES emulator!!!

    ah ok. but it's the old version
  8. Q

    I found the new SNES emulator!!!

    you linked the old version, but it's not rar, it's zip. did you post the right link? rar's a archive-format just like zip
  9. Q


    here's a click-by-click-guide i found. perhaps this helps... 5) Installation USB Driver (this part produced by Game Park) <Windows 98> 1. Turn on your GP32 machine and connect the USB cable with it. 2. Then, Windows 98 will find GP32 machine and show following message box. And click “next”...
  10. Q

    What do you think the best emulator is???

    i just discoverec sega sms32 an mega system emu. performance is cool and there are a lot of games. be sure to try frodo. c64 has the most games available.
  11. Q


    did you try to pick the driver manually by pointing to the inf file? you can change the driver in your system settings.
  12. Q


    when you connect your gp to the usb-port windows should install the drivers. if not check your system settings. perhaps you'll need to reinstall the drivers...
  13. Q


    you gotta download the authentication wizard at gamepark, connect your gp and authenticate. then ypu can download pc-link host. try
  14. Q

    ZardozJones' snes-emu. new version?

    sorry to start another snes topic (little john, sms32 are very good emus) but i tried ZardozJones' sens-emu. it doesn't have sound, no button-config, saving and stuff. but it's darned fast and the graphix somehow looks better then in snes9x. does anyone know if ZardozJones is still working on...
  15. Q

    Question about german gp32 owner!

    ok. sorry... let's run the translator... hi. i ordered mine at lik-sang and only paid 6.90 EUR toll-costs (gp and one game for about 180 EUR). sounds like arbitrariness, doesn't it? B)
  16. Q

    hi milo, hope this doesn't come across too patronizing, it's my personal opinion after all. there are a lot of sites on the internet offering ways to make money, but they usually just trie to pull a fast one on you or it's simply illegal. a job means you donig work for someone else and getting...
  17. Q


    just the gp32 my little brother used to have a gameboy once
  18. Q

    snes9xgp saving?

    just tried this, works like a charm. thanks a lot.
  19. Q

    snes9xgp saving?

    ahh. i see. thanks for the help guys...
  20. Q

    Hello everyone, now with questions!

    hi otherstyle, i'm new myself, but have figured out a few things in the last weeks. yes you'll have to shrink them using virtual-dub and divx 4.12/lame(for audio) codec. try the movie-forum or for a start. the emu is a bit slow, but some...