What do you think the best emulator is???


Still Fresh
Aug 23, 2003
Ok, so whats the best emulator in your opinion out of all of the different emulators. I am not familar with all these systems like the wounderswan, vectrex, or neo geo. So what would you say has the best emulator performance wise, and that has the best games available for it. For instance i found out that wounderswan has final fantasy 2 in it, but i didnt get my Gp yet and i dont really feel like trying every one of them. So what do you guys think is the best???
i just discoverec sega sms32 an mega system emu. performance is cool and there are a lot of games. be sure to try frodo. c64 has the most games available.
but i didnt get my Gp yet and i dont really feel like trying every one of them

Thats how you miss out! Give 'em all a go!

My personal faves?

Castaway (Atari ST)
fSMS (Sega MAster System)
Frodo (C64)
Speccial'K (Spectrum)

and everything else!

My favs are:
Littlejohn (completely perfect in my opinion)
GPVGB (i find games created for portable systems are more fun to play)

Haven't tried the C64 emu yet, though
I Love Little John, but I also love the ATARI800 Emu - the Atari let's you play a ton of old and classic games that actually focus on 'gameplay' and not graphics - which is an art now lost in most cases.

But as someone earlier said - you are missing out by not giving them all a go - that is half the fun.

HZ :ph34r:
little john and castaway are my favs allthough gpengine could replace both if it had save sates
Also -

I would be remiss in not mentioning the Colecoemu and Pengine. Both fantasic emus!

Playing Splatterhouse on Pengine is a dream come true.

Would love to have a Genesis emu - but one can only dream! :P

HZ :ph34r:
My current favorites are NES, SNES (even with the slow speed), and GPvGB. Yes, I'm a Nintendo slave...most of my nostalgic favorites are on Nintendo systems. Right now, I am playing Dragon Warrior 4 on my GP32 - dream come true!

Also, to illuminate your concern about Final Fantasy 2 on the Wonderswan Colour emulator - well, the current one has no sound. But it runs both Final Fantasy 1 and Fantasy 2 at full speed. These two games are remakes of the originals on NES (yes, FF2 for the NES not FF2 USA for the SNES), and look a lot better then their NES counterparts. There are translation patches available for both of them, although the FF1's translation is as sparse as possible (just to get you through the game). We can only hope that another WSC emulator is released that has sound.
frodo...(commodore 64)...for ik+,impossible mission and summer games
castaway...(atari st)...for dungeon master
snesemu...(snes)...for sensi soccer and cannon fodder...(no saves...uses passwords)
gpengine...(pcengine)...for gradius and salamander

and a big thanks to those who wrote them.....(for me)