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  1. S

    Selling $25 Smc, Sega Nomad

    Yes you can connect a Nomad to a TV; all you need is an original Genesis 2 TV adaptor (which I never needed, and do not have). The battery will typically last you 3-4 hours, on a full charge; the biggest power hog is the Nomad's beautiful screen, which displays games perfectly no matter what...
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    Selling $25 Smc, Sega Nomad

    I am selling a single Smartmedia card for $25; msg me if you're interested. Also - I am selling a Sega Nomad; this is a portable Sega Genesis (for those of you tired of waiting for FGen) with lots of original cartridges included; MSG me, if you're interested, for a list. The Nomad, complete with...
  3. S

    My First 24 Hours With My Gp32...

    At 133 mhz, Mario runs at full speed (without sound) at frameskip 2. At 166 mhz, Mario should run at full speed (without sound) at frameskip 0, and WITH sound at frameskip 2. Littlejohn runs all my ROMs at full speed at frameskip 0; chances are, you DID get an old version. In summary, check...
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    Multiple Doom2 Wads?

    Does the doom port use absolute pathnames? If it doesn't, you can always make a bunch of different directories, and place both a copy of the executable and the appropriate WAD (in the the appropriate DOOM subfolder) in each separate directory. Chances are, however, that the path it uses for wads...
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    Wtb Flu Or Non Gp32 In Bay Area California

    I might be interested in selling you my GP32; it's a non-FLU with a glass screen. The plastic-to-glass replacement didn't go as well as it should have; although the the screen itself is fine (and works much better, after the conversion), the grey screen covering got scratched quite a bit from...
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    Like any emulator, you would have to download roms for it. Additionally - there is, essentially, no chance that Metal Slug will be emulated on the Gp32.
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    Nintendo Doom

    Hee-hee, and here I thought you were talking about Doom on the SNES. Which, you know, would be admittedly pointless.
  8. S

    New Multifirmware!!

    Hehe, it's too bad you guys didn't put Mr. Spivs File-Link FXE in your GP32 beforehand - that would have completely saved you.
  9. S

    Black gp32

    maaaaan! How come da WHITE GP32s gotta outnumbah da BLACK GP32s! It ain't RIGHT, yo, fo' a bruthuh 'ta have ta play wit sum CRACKER portable. Werd.
  10. S

    Best SNES / Genesis shoot-em-ups

    Oh for God's sake don't forget Gunstar Heroes people. I know it's not technically a schmup, but who cares, it's awesome. Alien soldier is pretty cool too.
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    Glass Screens

    I've actually been looking for a replacement screen; glass sounds awesome, so I'd be more than willing to look into it.
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    GP32 replacement screens

    Hey guys; I recently discovered that my GP32 screen is scratched beyondf repair; I need to buy a replacement, and I need you guys to tell me where. I've seen only two places to far to get them - GBAx, where it would cost me $20 for just ONE replacement plus shipping, and HardCore Gamer (via...
  13. S

    !! Flash6 SWF Player - NOW !!

    You people are so WRONG. CLEARLY, the only reasonable alternative is to look at the Macromedia Flash code, in hexadecimal, and compare it with the GP32's machine language; then, all you gots to do is directly convert one to the other. Genius!
  14. S

    NGage emulator 4 GP32???

    I think what Rattboi meant to say was that bmd was, in fact, slight affeminate, as evidenced by his "Kingdom Hearts" ID pic and his proclivity for the N-Gage.
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    sega genises roms

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    ScummVM with ogg playback

    It occurs to me that OGG media files are both smaller and less cpu-intensive than MP3 playback. Additionally, the tremor library (or perhaps it was Yoyo's l337 coding skills) allows for multitasking both OGG playback and other processes. Thus - it seems that, although relatively unfeasible with...
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    Screw movies! Get the new OpenSnes9xGP 0.2!

    Methinks Ramzy dost protest too much; sound may be kinda choppy, but it's THERE, and running at frameskip 2/3, so what's the problem?
  18. S

    Screw movies! Get the new OpenSnes9xGP 0.2!

    OHMYGODOHMYGODOHMYGOD!!!! 160 mhz, frameskip 2, sound ON @ 11 khz/8 bits!!!!!! THIS IS THE REAL DEAL!!! THIS IS FULL-SPEED SNES EMULATION, ON GP32, WITH SOUND!!! WITH SOOOOOOOUUUUUND!!!! Dammit, now I have to deliver my firstborn to Yoyo... in person.... ah well *goes back to play some more...
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    Thanks Yoyo and friends

    saaay... now THAT'S an idea.... Why not set up a paypal account and have us donate the OpenSnes9x team something for their troubles?
  20. S

    I sell GP32 Flu +128 mb SMC

    I could trade you either my non-FLU gp32 with 2 SMCs and GPCinema, or my Dreamcast with 30+ games... oops... hehe, Dreamcast is NTSC... oh well.