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  1. S

    Got It, Yay, But No Idea How To Make Anything Work

    If it was ordered from GBAX, then no it does not work on the GP2X ( well not for me anyway).
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    Sd Card Doesn't Work :(

    I had that problem but this fixxed it for me "mkdosfs -I -F 32 /dev/sda", you need to format the hole of the device not a partition of it.
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    Getting Usb To Work With Kubuntu

    I use Slackware 10 with the stock 2.4 kernel, for me the GP2X gets detected, I fdisk it into one big win95 fat32 partition, format it with mkdosfs -v -F 32 -n GP2X /dev/sda1, mount, copy files, sync, unmount, sync, unplug. All this works fine, however the GP2X can not read the contents of the...
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    Who Wants This?

    I think we can all agree that the apple is better, the rich, better defined texture makes the orange feel like chalk even if you take into account the greater juice content.
  5. S

    Info Menu On Gp2x

    So you claim, the forum tells otherwise: "Member No.: 903".
  6. S

    Flash Player?

    Most phones use ARM processors, quickly looking picked up this , could GPH or GBAX not work on their own port?
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    External Harddrives Etc Possible

    Perhaps someone could come up with replacement firmware for the device and a driver for it. To turn it into a sort of external USB-slave to host adapter?
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    Is it that hard to workout, just run "echo enlight > /dev/case" in a shell of your choice. But back ontopic, you would likely not noice much asfar as using the GP2X goes. It might be a bit easier setting up the cross-complier on linux. But from that they both have stable, well-working USB...
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    Okey... Not sure I understand what you said, but you could not run XP on the GP2X. XP is for intel based cpus not ARM based ones. You could always emulate a PC on the GP2X, but only if you have way too much time on your hands.
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    Sorry, are you talking about running windows on the GP2X or on the PC it is connected to?
  11. S

    Usb Peripherals Using Usb Otg

    On the soldering a usb port to the chip, that might not work it is a BGA being we have no reachable pins to solder to. But if they still have PCB traces for it you might to able to cut (or grove into the copper of) the PCB and solder the wires there.. Other then that you (as far as I know) would...
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    Gph != Gpl?

    You want to eat Tux? I would not want to be you when Linus hears this. But on a more on-topic voice, they only need to give us the code for this they have staticly linked against GPL'ed code or into GPL'ed code. The menu thing could very well not be covered as it could only be dynamically linked...
  13. S

    Best Batteries??

    And here I was thinking Watts was the SI unit of power, amps is the unit for current. 1000mAH at 1.5volts (same as AA cells) is 1.5WH, that at a power use of 1.5 watts would give you a hour of battery life.
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    Hello Everyone

    No, that's trademarks. Copyright has no such requirement.
  15. S

    Repeated Question Possibly, Can You Link Gp2xs?

    Looking how in some photos we have seen a EXT to serial adapter (for debugging?), you could perhaps make a ext-serial-ext cable.