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    Pandora erhalten? -> Bestellnummer hier eintragen!

    <i> </i>Bestellnummer: 2560 Versanddatum: 14.01.2011 Zustelldatum: 20.01.2011 Aanzahl-Pandoras: 1 Send from my Pandora :-)
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    Quad-Ren scripting language

    Some other alternatives Squirrel. Mostly inspired by LUA with a more C like appearence. What I like about it is the object oriented part and a stricter variable checking (see "<-" in the reference). My personal preference. GameMonkey although I haven't used it myself it seems to be easy to...
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    Du hast (kleine) Fragen? Das Archiv

    Re: Du hast (kleine) Fragen? Hier rein! <r><QUOTE author="matzesu"><s> </e></QUOTE> Um die Emulation der entsprechenden Zusatzchips kümmert sich der Emulator. Wie das genau beim SNES weiß ich nicht aber zum Beispiel Gameboy-Roms haben ein eigenes Byte wo drinnen steht welcher Zusatzchip...
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    Getting Started With Opengl

    If you really want to get 3D I would suggest going with OPENGL ES 1.1. Depending on your needs that will be sufficient for a first app (Pandora supports 1.1 too). Later on you can always switch to 2.0 for a different Project as porting will not be that easy unless you abstract your API. I don't...
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    Pandora Vs Acer Aspire One

    Battery life: 10h and more against 3 to 7 hours for the aspire. Price except for the cheapest models. Weight And there are already some threads comparing it to netbooks
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    A Possible Performance Bump From Opencl?

    What I am more interested in is using OpenCL as CPU and DSP language. From the current design it seems possible to write your application in 1 Language and run the specific kernels on CPU, DSP and GPU with a thin wrapper program in C and OpenCL. Only thing I am not sure about is using libraries...
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    2d, Tile-based Game

    As i remember from my java experience for a fast and simple binary saving method you could use the objectserializer (don't remember how exactly this was called) where you only have to write Serializer.write(objectarray) and everthing is done for you. The downside would be no control over the...
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    2d, Tile-based Game

    I would use a two dimensional array for the map itself where each element is an object that contains information about that tile e.g. collision and what static objects are on this tile. If you want to move something around the map only tile by tile you can put this into this map structure too...
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    Release A quick question Every information you need is in there. Especially "emulate Windows software through WINE due to the different processor architecture". Somebody should really make a big "windows xp won't run on pandora" sticky.
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    Pandora Pandora Panic

    To familiarize myself with the engine tried modify the existing game and setup the environment. You can find the results here. Added some bounds checking and changed the controls to not kill your keyboard while trying to reach the ball :D . This includes every file needed to compile pandora...
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    @ivanovic Sorry hab vergessen zu erwähnen das mein Geld schon bei ED am Konto ist. Ich will ED halt nicht soviele Probleme bereiten(wobei durch meine Überweisung die Probleme erst angefangen haben ). Ich weis eben nicht wie schwer das bei einem eingefrorenen Konto ist aber soweit ich das...
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    Ist es dir lieber wenn man bei PayPal Zahlung bleibt oder auf Überweisung umsteigt?
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    A Community game to be ready for launch! VOLUNTEERS NEEDED.

    I would also use C/C++ and SDL as base code but the game itself should be written in lua or python (whereas i tend to use lua). There should be some high level functionality for basic collision detection(rect/circle) and something like a function that returns what object was clicked...
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    A Community game to be ready for launch! VOLUNTEERS NEEDED.

    I could help with some coding (c , python, lua whatever) but i won't have much time due to my main project(not pandora).
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    USB cable included?

    There is a good reason why USB-A to USB-A cables shouldn't exist. On older machines you could fry your circuits if you connected one Host Port to another. On a toshiba laptop it said something like "Too much current". Hopefully Pandora has the same detection or there will be some "bricked" Usb...
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    Audio control while clamshell is closed

    It seems all of this headphones have a custom connector to support the remote (where else should the remote signaling go). Only thing i can think of is a bluetooth headphone with remote(does something exist?). An adapter could be made if pandoras extension port has some spare gpio s.
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    Pxml File Format Defintion

    For the style of the document my advise would be to write "all relative paths are relative to this xml" or "(path relative to this XML)" at all locations although this should be clear. I think an separate option tag would be nice too. These would be selection options for start paramters...